
Monday, March 4, 2024

Swimming Glee

Heartnote for Family Swimmers

Swimming Glee

family relaxes
smiles float while
soothing water swirls surround
©CVarsalona, March 2024
Elfchen poem

On a Sunday, the community indoor pool is quiet. No one but the lifeguard is there. The oldest grandgirl jumps in the water without fear, while the middle child has trepidations without her water floaty. We make light of the missing floating to coax her into the pool. Finally, she sees how much fun everyone is having. Grandpa entices her to use the noodle to take a ride around the pool with him. He gently helps her float along. Her sister who is already on the swim team at age six is showing her ability to swim across the pool and play water basketball. Besides the wonder of a spring-like day that shines through the glassed swimming pool, the smiles on the family's faces make the day even more delightful. My camera clicks away as a memento of togetherness. 

Slice of Life thought:  Grandparent sitting has its perks!

The family gathering in the pool was the perfect setting to join the Slice of Life Sunday Zoom conversation with Stacey Shubitz and Betsy Hubbard. The event was enjoyable and it is always delightful to meet up with slicer friends whether they are familiar or new to the Two Writing Teachers community. Thank you, Stacey and Betsy.

Day 4
Carol Varsalona, 10-year Slicer


  1. How lovely! What a fun day, and I love that you're capturing with both pictures and in writing :)

    1. Thank you for the comment, Britt. It is nice to share a new challenge with you.

  2. I so appreciate the unexpected phrase "smiles float" - as you took us to the pool with your family - you're floating and smiles are floating too - a perfect day!

    1. Lisa, thank you for visiting my slice. it has been a long month for me while recuperating from a sinus/respiratory illness. Some weeks I could not see my grangirls because of an incessant cough. This weekend was enjoyable with them.

  3. Carol, what joy on everyone's face. I like the subtle indication that grandpa is always there and will not let anyone falter. A beautiful piece. Bob

    1. This is an very nice comment. I have to remember to show my husband, Bob. Thank you.
