
Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Weird Words

Being a wordynerdy writer is wordplay fun. I remember my upper elementary years. My teacher told the class to have a dictionary nearby while reading. That was a boring idea but I bought the dictionary. I learned soon enough that I needed the book to enhance my vocabulary. Years later, I still love learning new words and was excited when Leigh Anne Eck invited Two Writing Teacher writers to her March 2024 SlicerParty with its theme, Word Buffet

I responded to Leigh Anne with five interesting words for her word buffet. You can see the five words I sent her for the party here. Today, I found a list of weird words and chose 6 to send to Leigh Anne as party favors.

enjoy lounging lazily or dawdling.
They may be lackadaisical wanderers
or overconfident whippersnappers
but they seldom make a kerfuffle.
A lollygager may say, "Poppycock!
 I enjoy strolling with my faithful kennebaker".
draft ©CVarsalona, 2024

Can you guess the meaning of the underlined words? Check out the link here. Have fun expanding your lexicon with some of the weird/not-so-common words.


  1. Love these words, Carol. I have been known to lollygag. I've been called a young whippersnapper, and sometimes my approach to things has been lackadaisical. Bob

    1. Bob, as always, I love your humor. I love to lollygag when it suits my mood. Thanks for joining me here. I just got your SJT email and I think the theme/topic you chose is just what is needed at this time of year.

  2. Great words, Carol. You stumped me with kennebaker! I had to look it up.

    1. Ramona, it's fun trying to figure out the meaning of words that are unfamiliar. I remember telling the students to try to figure out the meaning in context. I purposely used the word kennebaker in the above sententence to see if anyone could determine the meaning.
