
Sunday, March 24, 2024

Winter-Spring Tug of War

When I woke up yesterday morning, I could barely see outside. The rain came tumbling down, making a trip to the hair stylist unpleasant. Luckily, my husband saved the day and drove me thinking there would be little traffic. What a surprise to find that the highway was filled with huge trucks and drivers in a rush. In addition, the temperature was colder than expected. The heavy rainstorm and cold winds did not stop the traffic. We were surprised to see several trucks lined along the highway waiting for the unrelenting rain to stop. The long trip was filled with pounding rain until I reached my destination. 

I reflected on yesterday's poem, Season's Transitions. The first stanza is below

winter winds wistfully whisper
a tingling tune across night sky
rejecting departure, earth's resistor  
allows spring to sashay by

You can read the full draft of the poem here and then
see what you think of my image poem below.

waves of water slide
down in unstoppable rain
seasons' tug-of-war
©CVarsalona, 2024

I offer this Slice of Life to the 2024 Two Writing Teachers Slice of Life Story Challenge on Day 24 instead of 23. After the storm, the long ride to the hair stylist, and Saturday night Mass, I fell asleep while writing this slice (not an unusual experience for me this winter).
Day 24

Will March exit like a lion or lamb?


  1. Carol, March has sure been a topsy-turvy month. I am hoping April is more subdued and consistent, meaning rising not fluctuating, temperatures. Your poem reminds me of how I hate to drive in downpours unless there is someplace I need to be. I could do without tractor trailers passing at high speeds throwing water back on my windshield. Bob

    1. Bob, if I had to drive myself, I might have stopped also. The ride takes at least 45 minutes. My husband always says, "You need to find a hair stylist closer by." But Kim is my daughter's stylist and she is very talented as a hair dresser and colorist. Let's see what next month will bring when I have my appoinment. Brr! It's cold here today.

  2. Fingers crossed for a lamb! I don't want to lose any of my just budding blooms.

    1. Tracy, thanks for joining me here. I also do not want my dwarf weeping cherry tree to lose its buds since I waited a few years to see its beauty in full bloom.

  3. I think it is a great connection that we both wrote about the tug-of-war between Spring and Winter given different weather conditions. May March go out like a lamb for you.

    1. Cathy, it is a great coincident. Today it is sunny but this is deceiving. I turned on the fireplace to warm me up.

  4. To drive in the rain can be scary. We know that eventually the spring will win. There's comfort in it.

    1. While this ride was not fun, we have been in some that want to make me cry.

  5. Carol,
    Indeed, winter has overstayed its welcome. We’re driving home and have driven through rain, snow, and hail today. Utah is Utahing. I wish spri g would stop her sashay and stick around.

    1. Spring must be waiting for a grand entrance, Glenda. Wow, your drive must have been a sloshy one.

  6. I like the connections woven throughout this post, Carol! Oh, for a good pounding rain, here; it would knock all that pollen from the trees, ease our allergies and our drought status. Hope you got some rest!

  7. Carol, your poem is just gorgeous, with the alliteration and rhythms. You turn the dreary downpour into something stunning! I, too, have been so tired of late. I am grateful to be on spring break this week, with more time to write and read others' writing. I have missed it over the last months.

  8. Love your image poem and the "seasons' tug-of-war." Glad you made it through the traffic with your husband's help. Here in NY we shared the same heavy rains tumbling down. Rough day.

  9. Winter sure is showing herself this month. Talk about late to the party. Hopefully spring makes her grand entrance with sun, buds, and color.
