
Saturday, May 25, 2024

Magnolia Surprise

Now that I'm home from an extended stay at the hospital, I continue with my morning rituals along with new ones from the doctors. First, I flick the remote to release the shades. I see a gorgeous blue sky with billowy clouds greeting me. While I cannot feel the warmth of the sun shining, I appreciate nature's gift. Later in the day, I will slowly walk around the patio to admire my flowers and magnolia trees. Until then, I shall stare at the photo of the first magnolia bud my husband sent me while in the hospital.

one single bud
sends vibrations of joy
spring's corsage
©CVarsalona, 2024
Photo by RVarsalona, 2024

The opening of Joy Harjo's poem, Eagle Poem, is a tribute to nature offering me much-needed quiet reflection before bed.

To pray you open your whole self
To sky, to earth, to moon
To one whole voice that is you.
READ the rest of the poem HERE.

May is nature's breath of freshness.
Breathe in the essence of spring.
Like me, build yourself self-care rituals and routines.
Michelle Kogan, the poet-artist is hosting with garden delights and a birthday bash. Several poet friends are celebrating their birthdays, including Michelle, so I wish them wonderful birthday greetings. Please read the various posts gathered for the Poetry Friday Roundup besides Michelle.

By the way, my youngest granddaughter was one this week. I did get to spend time watching her eat her birthday breakfast. Attached below is the digital card I made for her.


  1. Oh, my goodness, Carol. You've had quite a time. Joy Harjo's poem is a wonderful way to start any morning. That opening of your whole self to prayer is such a perfect picture of what I aim to do. Take care, friend. Continue those walks...every day you will gain strength. You are a fortunate Nona to enjoy such a beautiful granddaughter.

    1. Linda, it's a bit late to comment but I have a small window of time and want to still make rounds.Recovery is slow but I am determined to get back to normalcy.

  2. Glad you're home and healing. Stay open to Nature and let her help in the healing process.

  3. Good to hear you're home, resting, getting stronger, and practicing healing rituals via nature. Harjo's poem is beautiful and powerful. Your granddaughter is adorable!! Take care and have a peaceful weekend. xo

  4. Darling Lila, Happy Birthday! Carol, I am sorry you've been so ill but so happy you're back home & finding joy in the everyday, as you so often tell us to do in your words. I love it all, Joy Harjo's poem & yours, too. That beginning you shared from Joy Harjo feels like something we should post on a wall to see every day! Hugs for getting better every day!

  5. Carol, so sorry to hear you’ve been sick and in the hospital, sending hugs and many healing ❤️‍🩹 thoughts your way. Glad you are welcoming nature to help you along your recovery. Thanks for all the nature inspired poems you shared! 🌻🦋🐝

  6. Oh, Carol! What a trying time. I'm so relieved that you are leaning on poetry, nature, and family to bring moments of happiness! Thank you for these images and "vibrations of joy." I hope you continue to recover smoothly!

  7. Oh, that single magnolia bloom is so gorgeous, and "spring's corsage" is a perfect name for it. Happy birthday, little Lila! I am so thankful you are recovering, Carol. Do keep it up!

  8. I'm glad to hear you are the road to recovery, Carol. I hope you are feeling tip-top soon. Your spring corsage poem is gorgeous as is the photo that inspired it. And happy birthday to your sweet baby grand. What a blessing. :)

    1. Bridget, it is always a pleasure to have you visit my blog. As you can see I am still trying to make the PF rounds whenever I have a chance. I am usually not a daytime napper but the infections and meds are knocking me out. Feeling tip-top is what I am aiming for.

  9. So glad to hear you're back home! And what a sweetheart, there's nothing like the pure joy of a child's smile to boost your spirits.

    1. Yes, Jane, a child's warmth and smiles are blessings. Thank you for stoppiny by.

  10. Carol, I am so sorry you have been ill! I didn't know and send my thoughts and wishes for you to get well! The Hard poem is a healing one. "Breathe in the essence of spring" and please get well.

    1. Janice, the sun is shining and I'm off to the hospital to take a special test, cystogram to see if my bladder that was knicked in the first surgery healed.If so, I will be free of the catether.
