
Friday, May 17, 2024

Not a Typical Mother's Day

Sometimes, life moves in ways not expected. It can be as unpredictable as storms that pass through or as bright as spring skies offering rebirth. As I reflect, on this past Mother's Day, I realize it was a day not expected yet filled with the love of family. 

I never imagined that I would celebrate the day in the ICU wing of the hospital as opposed to having a leisurely breakfast brunch with my family. What began as a simple umbilical hernia repair turned into much more, two rare hernias most common in women over 65 with a bladder tear, a second surgery detained, pneumonia, and a fungal bacteria. I am spent but there is always hope and family love.

I turn my attention to author/poet Patricia Franz, who is hosting Poetry Friday. It feels so good to join the Friday Roundup this week. After 10 days of medical treatment, I feel the strength of nature surrounding me. I join Patricia who speaks of a forest joy experience and a commitment to the ways of tree-being, silent and tireless

Since I am still in the hospital on the medical floor, I need to take my time reading all the poetic goodness offered by the Poetry Friday community of writers. 


  1. So sorry to hear about the health complications, Carol! Had no idea. Glad you're out of the ICU and things are looking up. Sending you positive healing vibes. Be well soon!

    1. Jama, thank you for the healing vibes. They are appreciated. Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Carol, I'm so glad you are back and on the mend. Take your time! And a happy belated Mother's Day to you. Yes, here's to hope and family love and future rainbows!

    1. From Denise

    2. Denise, thank you for joining me here. I enjoyed visiting your blog post today and left a message for Linda Mitchell because I could not get into her website to read her May blog posts.

  3. Carol, I am sorry for your health problems, but so glad that you were taken care of and are mending. Yes, every day is to be counted as a blessing. I'll wait for rainbows for you, too! Hugs for better every day!

    1. Linda, thank you for your thoughts. I appreciate them. My husband took a photo of my first magnolia bud on one of the specimen trees the gardener installed. It was a special blessing so I am will add that to my collection of poems when I am feeling up to writing. Right now, I am quietly get inspiration from the Poetry Family Roundup posts. It will hopefully be quiet in the hospital today since a new strain of bacteria I have is contagious.

  4. Wow! You've had a time of it! So glad to hear you are on the mend. Keep healing!!

    1. Thanks for entertaining me this week end with your bounty of poetic goodness posts that I missed.
