
Friday, June 7, 2024


May passed by with complications. Now it is a beautifully sunny day in June. American author and theologian, Joan D. Chittister, writes "June is the time for being in the world in new ways, for throwing off the cold and dark spots of life."  I am eager to regain my strength and return to "normalcy" as my magnolia buds spread their gorgeous white florals.

Last week the Poetry Sisters, Tanita, Mary Lee, Tricia, Laura, and Lizinvited writers to write in the spirit of poet Lucille Clifton's "homage to my hips". Since my body has been under attack since May, I praise my body for its resilience to a recent challenge. I join Michelle and Linda B. who signed in as #PoetryPals last week.

Lately, everything has been in slow mode for me. For instance, Poetry Friday is already filling with many poetry friends signing on as I get ready for another doctor's visit. 

I  join the Poetry Friday Roundup at Tracy Kiff-Judson's blog, "Tangles & Tales". She is cooking up a delightful and tasty post titled, Cooking Up InspirationSee you there. I will make the rounds slowly this weekend.

    Created by Tracey


  1. Carol, I am so glad that your once-mighty-and-soon-to-be-mighty-again body is on the mend! It sounds like you have been through a trying ordeal. It’s good that you are giving yourself time to recover. Wishing you peace and healing! : )

  2. Continued best wishes for your healing journey. The body's resilience, even in the slower pace of recovery, is something to be celebrated, as you've done so sensitively in your poem. Take care!

  3. Carol, you amaze me with your poetic musings. Your poem is a wonderful look back at your recent difficulties. Here's to a wondrous transformation as you continue on the path to healing.

  4. Carol, wonderful poem about your mighty body parts. "wonders of transformation" and "filled with faith, hope and resilience" are my favorite lines.

  5. So sorry to hear about your recent health issues, Carol. I hope you are feeling better soon. You are resilient just like your body!

  6. What a beautiful subject for a poem! Writing it must have been a type of medicine in itself. Wishing you healing, Carol.

  7. "It doesn't like to be held back in darkness" and "they are wonders of transformation"--I love the resilience, as you said. A powerful celebration, Carol. Please continue to take care of yourself! xo

  8. Cheers to resilience! Wishing you ongoing healing and lots of healing poetry, Carol.
