
Friday, December 27, 2024

The World Whispers in Wonder

December marks the end of this year. Winter arrives quietly, and the Poetry Sisters (Tanita, Laura, Mary Lee, Liz, SaraTriciaand Kelly) encourage #PoetryPals to join their December challenge. They are composing haibuns, beautifully brief melanges of a prose poem and haiku, as created by Matsuo Bashō.

I reflect on the winter scene photographed by my daughter in 2015 and the quote by the marvelous poet, Lee Bennett Hopkins to write my haibun.

The world whispers in wonder as winter's serene beauty glistens across the snow. Trees at ski resorts tipped in white frosting create a snowdrop wonderland. Areas without sparkling snow find beauty among leafless trees and seasonal greenery. Some days reflecting on nature's serene beauty is a common practice. Other days are pampered by the sun in the south or drizzling rain in drought-ridden areas. Whether you find winter etched in a canopy of frosted elegance or enveloped in a golden sunrise, know that winter blankets Earth in various styles. Time for a quiet self-care pause.

early december stillness
embraces fall's fading breath
winter arrives

CVarsalona, 2024 haibun


Is hosted by Artist/Poet Michelle Kogan
who is also participating in the Poetry Sisters December Challenge.
Note: My book review of Clara's Kooky Compendium of ThimbleThoughts and WonderFuzz created by Sylvia Vardell and Janet Wong can be found here. I am honored that my poem, Would You Like To Bake?, is published in the new book.


  1. Lovely wintertime scene you captured in your haibun Carol with a wrap-around-hug in the haiku, Happy New Year!

    1. Michelle, the beauty of winter in its stilled beauty cannot be denied. Enjoy the loveliness of this season and lets hope that the new year brings cheer to us.

  2. Yes! No matter how we winter (or when, depending on your hemisphere), it must be a time of rest and reflection!


    1. Thank you, Mary Lee, for your affirmation that winter is a time for self-care. Happy New Year to you.

  3. Carol, congrats on publication! That is exciting news. I enjoyed reading your haibun, and will think about "a canopy of frosted elegance" the next time it snows here. Nicely done!

    1. Susan, please share your snow scene when it comes your way. I always like a bit of frosted elegance to make me feel cozy.

  4. How lovely that you are part of Clara's Compendium! "Enveloped" is the word, isn't it--everything seems to close in around us and we are blanketed, one way or another, by winter. Merry, happy and bright to you and yours, Carol!

    1. Heidi, thank you for your comments. When my little grandgirls come over they immediately take out my furry throws and blanket themselves when watching one of the Disney movies. Enjoy your family events as New Year's Eve bring us good cheer.

  5. Carol, your haibun made me smile and sigh. Such peaceful imagery! Truly a poem of frosted elegance!

    1. Tracey, thanks for joining me here. We all need a touch of peace as the new year begins. Happy Holidays!

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you, Karen, for stopping by and commenting. May your New Year be blessed.
