Thursday, July 5, 2018

Looking Back to Look Forward

It's summer, my yearly mid-point check to self-reflect by looking back on the first half of the year in order to move forward. Six months ago, I carefully chose my one word, hope, to be my faithful guide on my life journey. The goal for the year is to become a more mindful person who fully savors "life living" moments and not just races through life. 

How did I do so far?
✓ I am learning to take time to notice and wonder more. 
✓ I am leaning on my word hope to get me through the challenging moments.
✓ I am learning that calm has a more lasting effect than speed. Yoga helps me to be in the moment and calm down from any outside forces.

What do I need to do?
✓ Take my on the mat yoga practice to my off the mat life.
✓ Let go of the little annoyances in life to remain happy.
✓ Read scripture more often to be guided toward peace.

In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength. - Isaiah 30:15

Hope floated in this year.

Where have I found hope?
✓ In quiet moments where I can see the ordinary transform itself into a thing of beauty
✓ In my gardens where nature transformed the landscape this spring into summer

 created with

✓ In my grandbaby's smile 

Commitment for the 2nd Half of 2018:
✓ I look forward to continuing my journey of self-reflection, discovery, and transformational change.

Today is Spiritual Journey first Thursday. Doraine Bennett is hosting the link-up this month at her blog site, Dori Reads. This month's topic is "Looking Back/Looking Forward Here at the Middle of the Year." In closing, Doraine writes, "Give thanks and reaffirm your commitment to continue." That I shall do.

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