
Friday, November 26, 2021

In Praise of Autumn

With gratitude for a warm-weathered Thanksgiving, wonderful birthday joy, and family and friend correspondence, I invite you to celebrate Autumn one more time, with the final edition of the Bedecked In Autumn Gallery of Artistic Expressions.

Oh, Autumn, on wings of colored hues
you flutter in and sweep the sky in glory,
dance the quickstep with falling leaves,
and toss beachside shores with sunlit sparkles.

Bedecked in your jewels of the season,
you slowly transform sunwashed spaces
into havens of kaleidoscope magic.
Oh, Autumn, your harlequin colors leave me breathless.

(Thank you author Lester Laminack for sharing the beauty of Autumn through photography.)

When your time of cinnamon and brown sugar landscapes
passes into the cool crispness of November winds,
gratitude for your celebration of Earth remains.
Praise to you, Autumn, for ushering in cheerful holiday joy.
©CV, draft 2021

(Thank you Poetry Sisters for this month's November challenge, Ode to Autumn. #PoetryPals)


Autumn, you inspire artists, like Michelle Kogan, to paint and write with passion.

Season Changes Breath...

Mid autumn pause
invites wandering and wondering...
Mid Autumn pause
celebrates earth's vibrance because
her dowries fill your hunger
and spread brilliance round and under-
Mid autumn pause...

© 2021 Michelle Kogan


Autumn, you influenced poets, like Irene Latham, to create poetry prompted by masters' artwork

The above nature photography and image poems will be embedded in the first edition of  Bedecked In Autumn Gallery.

Michelle Kogan
Lester Laminack
Irene Latham

Please visit previous autumn galleries of artistic expressions that integrate the arts, technology, and poetry. Click on the titles of the underlined galleries. 

2014  -   Finding Fall
2015   -  Autumn's Palette
2016   -  Autumn Venture
2017   -  Autumn Ablaize 
2020 -  Abundant Autumn

Happy Thanksgiving Weekend

Thank you teacher-poet, Ruth Hersey, from Haiti for hosting the Poetry Friday Roundup this week. Ruth shares her odes, one about Haiti, and a gratiku. 


  1. So much here, Carol.
    Oh, Autumn, on wings of colored hues
    you flutter in and sweep the sky in glory.

    Love this collection of autumn treats!

    1. Thank you, Janice. I do love autumn.Enjoy the weekend.

  2. Oh, as always, such a beautiful, beautiful post -- the autumn Praise, Pause and Reverence just falls together so beautifully. You put so much into these posts - I'm thankful for you!

  3. Wow! Love that photograph by Lester so much. It really compliments 'Oh Autumn.' Happy Birthday to YOU! I hope you've enjoyed time with family in your beautiful home. Thanksgiving has been good for me this year. Lots of time with my grown up kiddos.

  4. "Celebrate, she says" (M. Kogan) & you certainly did, Carol. with help from Michelle, Irene, & Lester! We never seem to tire of seeing those fabulous colors, do we? Hope your had a special Thanksgiving!

  5. Thank you for this celebration of Autumn's splendors!

  6. And praise to you, Carol, who notices and celebrates and shares and encourages! Belated birthday wishes, too! xo

  7. Shades of Autumn; comfort and warmth. I'm finding these autumn pics and posts are really tempting my tastebuds - and my 'scentses'. Autumn is an American flavour, for me. So much warmth!

  8. Carol your opening poem leaves me breathless, such beauty there, and in your post! Appreciations for including my art and poems too. Belated Birthday Greetings!

  9. This is a great tour of fall goodness. I was just telling a group of Connecticut friends how lucky they were to grow up with all this autumn splendor. A big yes to "Harlequin colors!"

  10. I realised I was breathing slower as I read this, relaxing into the beauty of the images and the words. I especially loved 'havens of kaleidoscope magic"
