
Friday, April 7, 2023

Easter Preparation

With the return of warmth and sunshine, this week is an ideal one for holiday preparations. I busily prepare for Easter both reflectively and decoratively to remember that it is Holy Week. While the house is decorated with bunnies and flowers, there are also blessed palms, and crosses. It is the time to fast and feast with the family as we move through Holy Week. 

Spring has arrived bursting forth with color and joy. 

I Invite YouTo:

Join my Springsations Gallery of Artistic Expressions Vol. 2.

Please click here for more information.

is hopping with
springtime joy and blessings,
baking, decorating, shopping
stop by
©CVarsalona, 2023, cinquain
I created a Springsations Gallery of Artistic Expressions-Vol. 2 for NPM 2023. Please click on the link here for further information. The deadline is 4/30/2023.

Throughout the week I created a variety of poems using different formats that you will find on my padlet.
Linda Mitchell surprised me this week with a lovely NPM 2023 poetic greeting with one her words. 

One of my Decorated Areas with Linda Mitchell's poetic collage art.

Thank you to Margaret Simon for wearing many poetry hats and still hosting Poetry Friday today. Travel over to Margaret's blog here to discover her different poetic projects. Margaret shared the following graphic 


  1. Oh what Easter loveliness! How great to see Linda's art as part of your decor, Carol. And yay for Springsations (which is such a fabulous word!). xo

    1. Irene, I received your wonder Live your poem postcard for NPM late in the day yesterday. It is adorable. I plan on sharing it at PF but for now it will be on the bookcase in my office for all to see. Do you have a Springsations image poem that you would consider placing in my new gallery? Happy Easter!

    2. Linda's artwork is so whimsical and fun. Thanks for sharing. And also thanks for sharing your Easter which is indeed "hopping with joy" in your cinquan. A wonderful holiday to your and your family.

    3. Janice Scully, I am hopping with joy this morning. Now off for more PF readings and my Nonnie's Easter bread (which I have never made before).

  2. I 'think' I have something in the mail from Linda today, Carol. What you showed is lovely and I love reading all about your Easter prep! "Hop" appears during the week quite a lot, doesn't it, as in your "hopping with
    springtime joy and blessings,". Happy Easter with your family!

    1. Linda, it is a special weekend both for the religious aspect and the fun part of Easter. My hope is that the weather returns to sunny weather and no rain. It has been rainy and cloudy these past few days. I send you hopping good wishes to you for wonderful Easter wishes with your family.

  3. I was gifted with a card from Linda, too. What a nice surprise! Have a wonderful, hoppy, happy weekend with your little ones. I will not see my grands this Easter. Off to visit my mother, but we will all be together in a few weeks. Luckily, they do not let too much time go by.

    1. Margaret, thank you for stopping by before you see your mother. That should be a wonderful visit for you and her. I am eager to see my little girls. I bought them beautiful matching dresses for Easter. This year, my daughter said they can go to church with us which will be a special treat for both sets of grandparents. Happy Easter to you.

  4. Happy Easter! I love how you decorate and celebrate and poem-ate to the max!

    1. poem-ate - what a great word, Mary Lee. that is a keeper.

  5. So much joy bursting through your post, Carol! Easter greetings to you!

  6. Easter is hopping--I love that! Happy Easter to you and your family, Carol!
