Thursday, October 24, 2024

Autumn's Abundant Gifts


Welcome to the Autumn Edition

of Poetry Friday


Once again, Autumn unfolds in brilliant color and poetic thought. There are many ah-hah moments to enjoy because Nature understands the need to nurture life.  I am delighted to host this week's Poetry Friday. 


There is a nostalgic feeling and a breath of autumn in the air and carried into my home. As you browse through my blog, you will most likely agree with me that:

If you have followed my blog each autumn, you will find Autumn Galleries of Artistic Expressions that I created. Many Poetry Friday authors offered their original image poems and photography to delight gallery guests. I honor all the writers and poets who shared their work integrating the arts, technology, and poetry. You can click on the titles of the underlined galleries. It's my Halloween treat.

2014  -   Finding Fall
2015   -  Autumn's Palette
2016   -  Autumnventure
2017   -  Autumn Ablaize
2020 -  Abundant Autumn


Another treat is the debut of Janet Wong's and Sylvia Vardell's book, Clara's Kooky Compendium of Thimblethoughts and Wonderfuzz. Janet and Sylvia have created a unique anthology of poems from a 150 poets. I was delighted to have one of my poems, Would You Like To Bake?, published in this amazing collection. Each set of poems includes an interesting ThimbleThought and a wonder question, WonderFuzz. Students will enjoy the illustrations by Frank Ramspott and the exercise journals. Since I recently received my book, I will review the book soon. Then, I will send it off into the universe of KidLit. You will enjoy getting kooky with Clara. Thank you, Janet and Sylvia, for creating a book that will dazzle students, classroom teachers, and families.


Poetry Sister October Prompt
Write a poem in which you literally build and/or take apart something for your reader. Focus your attention on constructing or deconstructing your object, taking into account technical terms, instructions, perhaps even the source of your materials.

I created a quick trinet poem sequence about constructing a spooky but fun scavenger walk through my house for my grandgirls. 

Halloween spirit
Floats in.
Boxes of decorations will mesmerize grandgirls.
Scarecrows, costumes, ghosts, create fall magic.
Spirits unleash.
Scenes created.
Spooky ambiance!
Ready for
Halloween party?
Not yet, where's the orange light?
Who'll stack boxes in the garage?
Crazed search.
Weekend hunt
Trickster's treat!
©CVarsalona, revised 2024


Over the years, it has been a pleasure to present the colors of Autumm through a poetic and artistic lens. Autumn is the time to curl up reading. Enjoy the range of writing from the Poetry Friday community.  Enjoy the range of writing from the Poetry Friday community. Happy Halloween! 

NOTE: I tried out a new company for link-ups but I a glitch occurred. If you left a comment, it might be deleted so please add it again, Click to Enter, again.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

In Awe of Autumn


It was a crisp mid-October day that opened its expansive blue sky to the beauty of Autumn. We drove on the country road bordered by a canopy of huge green trees splattered with the colors of fall, umber, russet, gold, maize, crimson, pine green, and raw sienna. The rows of trees stood close together like crowds watching a parade. One leaf danced in front of our car and another followed the leader. I paused and wondered. Do leaves whisper to each other?

We continued to drive in awe of Autumn's beauty. Gravel roads took us to Wegmeyer Farm with a quaint barn that led us to pumpkin fields. The orange pumpkins against a backdrop of green trees enhanced the beauty of this magnificent fall day.

Outside the barn was a glorious array of nature's finest farm-raised items and a cutout board for photos Inside the barn were wooden bins of gourds and pumpkins in various sizes. The large bumpy ones I had never seen before. Little Lila did not enjoy those gourds.

Goosenecks were fun to pick up and share with the little grandgirls. Outside there was a glorious array of nature's finest farm-raised items. There was even a cutout board for photos in the cutouts outside but our baby was not in the mood.

It was time for the hayride, so the family climbed into the wagon and sat on large haystacks. We traveled through the farmland. The ride was bumpy but the scenery was lovely. The grands were delighted with the scavenger hunt that encouraged them to find interesting objects in the woods. Besides farm tools and a group of tiny scarecrows lined up like a football team, Halloween characters were hiding in the trees. After twenty minutes of a fun bumpy hayride, the farmer returned to the corn maze and the barn. The ride was delightful but getting up from the haystack was difficult for me; the barn's bakery smells led us forward. There were apple cider and glazed donuts for a treat. After taking in autumn's magic at the farm, we traveled to the next stop, a brewery and a playground for the children. The slogan Virginia is for lovers is a true statement. We bid the little girls goodbye with kisses. The spirit of autumn was in the air.

Virginia's scenic roads led us to discover new country places to wander and pause while Autumn was all around. Perhaps next weekend we will find more hidden gems to explore.

sunshine spilling,
nostalgic memories of crisp autumn mornings
recall kaleidoscopic scenes that changed weekly-
nature's invitation:
gather outside
find fall
©CVarsalona, 2024

Join me at my blog as I host Poetry Friday on 10/25/2024.
My topic is Awe-Inspiring Autumn.

This is my Tuesday's Slice of Life that I send to Two Writing Teachers,
a meeting place for a world of reflective writers.

Friday, October 18, 2024

Halloween Digital Delights with Poetic Flare

There is a trickster in the house.
Boo! It's Grandpa!
Halloween is an experience down memory lane.
I remember it well-
present (above) to past years (below).

 Let's move backward in time to college days. 
With flashlights, we trod lightly on the cemetery grounds.
 Teaching days brought a Harvest House
scenario for the entire school. There were
decorations, read out louds, refreshments, and fun.
In the neighborhood, 
families gathered together for trick and treat. 
Adults enjoyed costume parties.
Little grandgirls chose their fashionable wear as Disney characters.

Halloween's Coming!
It's time to light up your imagination.

Now that the digital artwork has been presented, I turn to poetic flare.

Halloween Delight

Momentum rises. 
Halloween is around the corner. 
It specializes
Not as a mourner,

A magical night it is.
Are you ready
dear little miss?
If not, go steady.

Walk down the streets
But beware
Of gobbly treats.
and smells in the air.

Laugh and enjoy
The darkness of night
Don't destroy
Or cry with fright.

Halloween dances
In clothes of black
As he prances
Call him Jack.
©CVarsalona, October 2024, quick write

Country Living

I hope you enjoy a taste of my Halloween-inspired digital art and poem for my little grandgirls. You can see more of my Halloween digital artwork taken in my Long Island neighborhood before we moved by clicking here.  

"l love Halloween and I love that feeling: the cold air, the spooky dangers lurking around the corner." 

Below is a song for little children to sing on Halloween.

I presented my treats so now I share a Halloween trick: 
Find me as a costumed character in the above digital artwork.
Have a Fa-Boo-Lous Halloween!

Now, I am turning the Poetry Friday corner to link in with one of my favorite poet friends, Matt Forrest Esenwine who hosts today's Poetry Friday. Click here to find out what Matt is sharing. You will read a plethora of good news about Matt's success in the Kidlit literary world. I always enjoy book reviewing his work so stay tuned!

I invite everyone to join me next week as I host Poetry Friday. 
Bring your delightful photos, quotes, digital artwork, and poetic goodness. I am excited to share our poetry community's wonderfilled offerings.
Let your imagination take you wherever it wishes to go. - Carol

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

X Marks the Spot! Roadtrip

"It was a beautiful, bright autumn day, with air like cider
and a sky so blue you drown in it.
— Daine Gabaldon, Outlander

Before leaving my house, I searched for the best place to view vivid fall foliage. Many sites in West Virginia were booked for overnight stays so my family and I traveled to Harpers Ferry, West Virginia. The glorious sun in a bright blue sky made the trip delightful. As we drove from Virginia to West Virginia, trees were colored in different shades of green but there were touches of red at the tops of many huge trees. Leaf peeping was our original goal for a wonderfilled Autumn day but being part of nature and finding historical sites made for a calming trip. 
When we arrived at Harpers Ferry, the quaint, historic town buzzed with tourists. The antiquity of the area offered stories from its past. Cobblestone, gravel, and brick sidewalks roads provided picturesque views of life from the 19th Century. St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church completed in 1833 was a beautiful reminder of America as a melting pot with customs from early Irish immigrants. We climbed the short incline up to the church on the hill but a military wedding was taking place so we decided to enjoy the outdoors.

Shops, as True  Treats Candy carrying favorite candy from the 20th Century and restaurants were found throughout the town. Various museum spots were showplaces of the past. My 7-year-old grandgirl was intrigued by the placards at the entrance of Harpers Ferry's living history buildings. She became our little tour guide, reading authentic shop signs, the Harpers Ferry Train Station, Boarding House, Provost Marshall Office, Dry Goods Store, White House Tavern, John Brown's Fort, and more. 

We did not see the beautiful Autumn change of leaves. However, we enjoyed the country ride through small towns and historical places. It was exciting to step back-in-time and view the area's timeless natural beauty.

I missed this challenge this summer but decided to play with it because of its interesting format. Mo Daley challenged writers to try an X Marks the Spot Poem with these instructions “Find a print article from a magazine that interests you. Once you have chosen your article, simply draw an X through the page. Then write your poem using the words touching your X.” 

Autumn Excursion
happy day in Harpers Ferry 
with its historical appeal,
long-storied views, 
outdoorsy appeal

explore John Brown's history
back in time
visit the Catholic edifice,
see Appalachian plethora

find charming grounds, 
with managed shops,
guided tours
eat, explore, shop
@CVarsalona, draft, 2024
🍂 🍂 🍂 🍂 🍂
This is my Tuesday's Slice of Life that I send to Two Writing Teachers,
a meeting place for a world of reflective writers.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Connecting With Nature

Autumn holds a wonder all its own.  - Laura Jaworski

Digitized Photo 

Autumn days slowly transition into eye-catching, picturesque scenes of color. Each day I enjoy discovering fall's beauty in ordinary and extraordinary places. While researching the topic of self-care, I found connecting with nature has positive effects on emotional well-being. Trail walks, apple picking, and other outdoor activities helped reduce stress and anxiety during my recuperation timeThe warmth of a September or October day allows me to breathe in fresh air, reflect upon the earth's beauty, and relax. 

For years, my family has picked apples. Recently, we traveled through the countryside on the way to the apple orchard. Remembering years past I looked for trees with a tinge of color. Once we arrived at Stribling Orchard, we found a bountiful apple tree. My little grandgirls arrived before us so their bag of apples was bountiful. The fresh country air and the sweet-tasting red apples made our faces smile.


September day
sun radiates
family gathers together at the orchard
excitement begins with the first pick
baby smiles
munches apples
Autumn delight
 @CVarsalona, 2024


As I search for the best place for vivid fall foliage in Virginia and West Virginia. I reflect on last year's parade of trees. They were dressed in Autumn finery. 


Height of Fall Fashion

fall's fashion
debuts soon
with a kaleidoscope of color
some autumn trees are fashionably late 
Autumn's parade
is a
must-see event
 @CVarsalona, 2024


The Jama Rattigan is hosting Poetry Friday on her blog, Jama's Alphabet Soup. Her post will make you hungry because she is writing about doughnuts.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

October's Beautiful Change

Lady Autumn's seasonal changes surprise me each year. This season, she chose sunshine-summer attire and switched to raincoat-weather clothing. The last few days, she was clothed in leafed designs for a stroll under a bright blue sky with pillowed clouds. Variety is Lady Autumn's wish so I cannot wait to see her October sneak preview. Will it be dazzling with Crayola colors or soaked from rainy weather? 

Beautiful Change
Autumn lets go
moving slowly
with season's ease
In mindful pause

gentle winds blow
Autumn lets go
releases leaves
dancing  to earth

gathering  begins
leaves fall 
Autumn lets go
flits across earth

sunsetting peace
dazzles nightsky
with fall crayons
Autumn lets go
©CVarsalona, draft

4 x 4 poem-see information here.
Photo from Unsplash

  • Anyone who thinks fallen leaves are dead has never watched them dancing on a windy day. - Shira Tamir
Autumn woke in the morning with a crispy feel of summer-like weather and bright blue skies. Watching in awe, a gentle flight of assorted leaves moved gracefully toward the cars.  October's first dance of the season brought a beautiful change.

autumn's flight of leaves
free-float and dance in the breeze
October's gift
©CVarsalona, 2024, haibun


Welcome to my Slice of Life, which I am sending to the Two Writing Teachers, a reflective community of writers.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Change & Transformation-Spiritual Journey & Poetry Friday

Today as I Grandmasit for my grandbaby, I ponder the theme, change and transformation, Leigh Anne Eck offered for October's Spiritual Journey writers. In addition, Lee Anne included a personal thought: "I love fall and all the goodness that comes with it. It gives us a time to reflect on the words 'change and transformation' and what this means to our natural world, our personal lives, and our faith."

Autumn is a magical season that transforms landscapes, shortens days, brings cooler weather, and provides reflection time. Migratory patterns begin, and trees change color. "There is something so special in the early leaves drifting from the trees–as if we are all to be allowed a chance to peel, to refresh, to start again."(Ruth Ahmed) This week, rains continued and leaves scattered across the driveway and sidewalk waiting for recognition. I found a single leaf with a tinge of color. It reminded me of Autumn's beauty, even when its leaves wither.  

Falling leaves also remind me of the importance of letting go. If trees can shed their leaves during Autumn, I must be willing to release old habits and beliefs. Embracing change is a process that will bring calmness to my life. A slowdown pace would be beneficial instead of a hustle and bustle life. Shedding the old and making room for new growth 

"Falling leaves are nature's way of showing us how beautiful it is to let things go."

 As for faith, Romans 12:2 tells us not to conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. "Then, you will be able to test and approve what God's will is."  Lately, the patterns of this world are mixed up so rethinking my actions would be beneficial as would letting go of stress.

creekside pathway ends 
leaves scatter in fall's light
enchanted autumn
©CVarsalona, 2024

Last year, I walked the Creekside trail. The photo above shares the path that does not continue past the bridge. I was in awe of Autumn's scattered leaves waiting to change. If nature can change then I can also. I shall embrace the opportunity for personal growth this Autumn.  

Tabatha Yeatts is the host of Poetry Friday this week.
She shares a photo from a neighbor who photographed the perched owl
that she also saw. She also offers a poem, Murmuration.

"In every leaf, there's a whisper of autumn's magic."