We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.” -Thornton Wilder
Treasured moments are small ones
filled with thanks for life and living.
Within these small moments,
families come together,
snap photos for posterity,
and mindfully enjoy the present.
©CV, 2021
Pausing-in-prayer before eating allows us time to give thanks and open our hearts to what we are grateful for in life.
While Thanksgiving 2021 brought only part of the family together, it was a delicious, memorable meal that was a welcomed break from my husband's rigorous medically-prescribed diet plan. This was our pre-party for a weekend event that would bring a surprise twist for our family gathering.
A Few Days Later:
Imagine our surprise when we awoke on Saturday morning and the turkey did not thaw out in time. EEK! Plan B was put into action. My husband drove to the local grocery store to search for a fresh turnkey that would feed seven. Upon entering the house, he excitedly told his tale.
"There were at least 75 frozen turkeys and only one fresh one in the bin. The other good news is I only paid $3.60 for this 17 1/2-pound fresh turkey!"
A phone call let us know my daughter, son-in-law, and grandgirls would arrive. The call was interrupted by an excited 4-year-old who could not wait to tell her news to Grandpa.
"Grandpa, we bought a chocolate cake for Grandma."
A few hours later, two pretty boxes came into the house. I could hardly wait to see what was inside. When it was time for dessert, the boxes were opened. Sierra decided to add four colorful candles to the chocolate cake. These were placed next to the birthday girl sign.
"Mommy loves red," Sierra said.
I replied, "Did you know that I love red too?"
Aurora wanted to be raised higher to see the "happy" (short for a happy birthday party). The girls and I squished on one swivel chair for the traditional family event. An off-key tune was sung (so says my husband) and I along with my two little loveys blew out the candles. A bite into the chocolate cake brought me to another happy place. The yumminess of the chocolate and the creme layers was just too delicious for words!
The events of Thanksgiving 2021 seemed to erase the sting of last year's pandemic life and channel a new feeling of being blessed.
a holiday
to gather together
with good food
family conversation
©CV, 2021
Note: The above poem uses a hay(na)ku and reverse hay(na)ku poetic form. A hay(na)ku has lines of one, two, and three word(s) for lines one, two, and three respectively. A reverse hay(na)ku reverses the order.
The Power of Gratitude:
November ends a month of gratitude but in reality, it does not stop on November 30th. Let us all remember this.