Tuesday, October 22, 2024

In Awe of Autumn


It was a crisp mid-October day that opened its expansive blue sky to the beauty of Autumn. We drove on the country road bordered by a canopy of huge green trees splattered with the colors of fall, umber, russet, gold, maize, crimson, pine green, and raw sienna. The rows of trees stood close together like crowds watching a parade. One leaf danced in front of our car and another followed the leader. I paused and wondered. Do leaves whisper to each other?

We continued to drive in awe of Autumn's beauty. Gravel roads took us to Wegmeyer Farm with a quaint barn that led us to pumpkin fields. The orange pumpkins against a backdrop of green trees enhanced the beauty of this magnificent fall day.

Outside the barn was a glorious array of nature's finest farm-raised items and a cutout board for photos Inside the barn were wooden bins of gourds and pumpkins in various sizes. The large bumpy ones I had never seen before. Little Lila did not enjoy those gourds.

Goosenecks were fun to pick up and share with the little grandgirls. Outside there was a glorious array of nature's finest farm-raised items. There was even a cutout board for photos in the cutouts outside but our baby was not in the mood.

It was time for the hayride, so the family climbed into the wagon and sat on large haystacks. We traveled through the farmland. The ride was bumpy but the scenery was lovely. The grands were delighted with the scavenger hunt that encouraged them to find interesting objects in the woods. Besides farm tools and a group of tiny scarecrows lined up like a football team, Halloween characters were hiding in the trees. After twenty minutes of a fun bumpy hayride, the farmer returned to the corn maze and the barn. The ride was delightful but getting up from the haystack was difficult for me; the barn's bakery smells led us forward. There were apple cider and glazed donuts for a treat. After taking in autumn's magic at the farm, we traveled to the next stop, a brewery and a playground for the children. The slogan Virginia is for lovers is a true statement. We bid the little girls goodbye with kisses. The spirit of autumn was in the air.

Virginia's scenic roads led us to discover new country places to wander and pause while Autumn was all around. Perhaps next weekend we will find more hidden gems to explore.

sunshine spilling,
nostalgic memories of crisp autumn mornings
recall kaleidoscopic scenes that changed weekly-
nature's invitation:
gather outside
find fall
©CVarsalona, 2024

Join me at my blog as I host Poetry Friday on 10/25/2024.
My topic is Awe-Inspiring Autumn.

This is my Tuesday's Slice of Life that I send to Two Writing Teachers,
a meeting place for a world of reflective writers.


  1. Carol, I love the idea of leaves whispering to each other as they gracefully dance toward the ground. Imagine the stories the tell each other. Your post is filled with the sights, sounds, and smells of a glorious autumn day. Apple cider and glazed donuts - what a perfect combination. Glad you and your family had such an enjoyable fall day. Bob

    1. Bob, your responses always make mepause to ponder. I think about leaves whispering. Perhaps that will become a slice someday. If you are interested in joining my blop post on Thursday night or Friday, I would love to hear how Autumn awes you.

  2. Carol,
    This makes me long for those winding roads in the Ozarks where the changing leaves shine like the sun. It sounds like an idyllic outing w/ the grandkids.

  3. What a great way to spend time with your granddaughters! I love the description of the fall imagery ~ it appeals to the senses, and especially this:
    a group of tiny scarecrows lined up like a football team. I could see them - - this was perfect~
