By now, most of the country has felt the repercussions of the extreme weather conditions that are causing what some have termed, the Blizzard Blues.
Yes, WINTER, you hit us hard this year.
It seems that the constant barrage of snowstorms, freezing ice, and rain has been a source of concern in New York State, as is the case across the country. Hazardous road conditions, dropping temperatures, and potholes are the driver's worst enemy and you even have to watch where you walk for fear of falling.
By now, everyone has a story to tell of the Winter of 2014?
My short tale is: within the past month, I traveled to Albany during the BIG snowstorm; got hit two days later in Albany with another BIG storm, and traveled back to Long Island for a few more BIG snowstorms. After one of these storms last week, I backed out of the driveway only to land in one of the snowbanks. Needless to say, I had to dig myself out. There was one brief moment when I thought the big, white, fluffy snowflakes falling outside my window looked beautiful but that thought did not last long because the snowy particles kept fluttering at such a pace that it became difficult to manage a day outside. Sadly but true, snow shovels and salt bags have become the artifacts of the season, replacing the lovely decorations that once graced my front porch.
By the way who predicted that the weather station and meteorologists were going to be my constant go to advisors each day?
So, I am thinking that those suffering from the Blizzard Blues
Need an Intervention
How about a cup of hot chocolate, a cozy fire, and a NYEDChat conversation?
This Monday, February 24, 2014
for a lively and engaging discussion on
"Teaching Writing to Children"
This Monday, February 24, 2014
for a lively and engaging discussion on
"Teaching Writing to Children"
8:30 PM
Mar. 3, 2014 Chris Lehmann & Kate Roberts, Authors/Consultants
"Teaching Reading in New York State: Where We Are Now, Where We Could Be"
Other Dates and Speakers for March and April will be announced.
Watch for more information about our Live Streaming Event
Tuesday, May 6th, 8:30 PM
with Pam Moran and Ira Socol
Teachers as Constructors of Exploration
Why tweeps should join the NYEDChat conversations.
Some colleagues already responded.
Some colleagues already responded.
Why Join NYEDChat?
Why Join NYEDChat?
I truly enjoy NYEDChat. It is one of my favorite chats on Twitter. This group generates a real feeling of passion, energy, and positivity in education. There is clearly a love of teaching and children. Thank you for coming together and creating a space for collaboration with such wonderful moderators and educators throughout NY and beyond!
I look forward to the NYEDChat and its connections because I can connect directly to colleagues in NY who are juggling similar demands and can often find solutions and inspirations from the shared approaches.
-Lisa Davis @ lisaodavis
I look forward to the NYEDChat and its connections because I can connect directly to colleagues in NY who are juggling similar demands and can often find solutions and inspirations from the shared approaches.
-Lisa Meade, @ LisaMeade23
NYEDChat expands the school walls. My PLN (colleagues & friends) are there to support, teach and guide me at any time, anywhere!! I have learned so much from NYEDChats & look forward to expanding that on Monday night. Thank you NYED moderators!
NYEDChat is the perfect supplement to the face-to-face relationships we nurture daily - a community of committed educators, dedicated to providing the support, enrichment, and nourishment our professional spirits need, to meet our challenges...with success...together. -Dennis Schug, @DJrSchug
See The Power of the Professional Learning Community for Carol Varsalona's thoughts on why NYEDChat?
Please send in your thoughts on why you joined NYEDChat for a future posting.
My co-moderators, Bill Brennan, Vicki Day, Blanca Duarte, Starr Sackstein, and Tony Sinanis, and I look forward to connecting with you online to make NYEDChat a strong voice for the educational community.