Thursday, October 20, 2022

A Busy Week & Strange Occurrence

As I was decorating for Halloween, a strange occurrence happened. I turned to my computer and opened my blog to read a comment from slicer friend, Chris Margocs. She alerted me that my slice, A Busy Week, may have disappeared. Sure enough, it did! I know that I wrote the blog post because another slicer friend, Bob Hamera, aka arjeha, responded. Below is the missing slice that I happened upon when I opened my iMac. Internet prank??? or just Happy Pre-Halloween, Friends!!!


Since last Tuesday, I have been on a whirlwind path of meeting my To Do list. In the space between then and now I prepared and presented my first keynote address for the Reading Specialists Council of Suffolk, entertained out-of-town guests, and dealt with week two of recuperation of my husband's hip replacement. All went well so I am grateful.

In addition, there were business and personal calls and writing a book review of my poet/author friend Matt Forrest Esenwine's creative nonfiction book, A Beginner's Guide to Being Human. Today is the official release of the book on its #blogbirthday. This book is one that should be in the school library and read aloud in classes from elementary to middle school. Key topics, like humanity, kindness, and compassion are introduced and supported through vivid illustrations. 

This busy week reaped rewards but I must admit that I am exhausted. Now, if I could only write before the midnight hour calls.


Join me at Slice of Life Tuesday celebrated at Two Writing Teachers
a meeting place for a world of reflective writers. 


  1. Original comment from arjeha: Carol, glad all is going well for you during this busy week. Sounds like you can now use a week just for you. Being human, how else will children learn this if they are not taught. I know a few adults who could use a refresher course on this as well.
    Tomorrow I am off to Pittsburg for our annual PTELA conference. I am looking forward to seeing old friends and hearing great speakers.

    My original response to arjeha: A week for me sounds like a dream. For now, I would take a day for me! You are right-children need to be taught how to be human through modeling, books, and classroom discussions. Enjoy your trip to your conference. It is always wonderful to see old friends and learn along the way.

  2. Original comment from Chris Margocs: Carol, for some reason, your post ends after "(the capital letter". Did something accidentally get erased? Looking forward to learning more!

    1. Chris, thank you for noticing that some strange occurrence happened with my Tuesday slice of life. I resurrected the missing blog post and credit you for solving the mysterious happening.
