A dedicated space to ponder, reflect, and converse about life, literacy, and learning
Yesterday, I walked out into a darker-than-usual sky. Fresh leaves were strewn across the lawn and tucked away in the corners of my car. I quickly dashed for the inside of my car as the rain continued to flow and an unusual coolness was felt. I paused to enjoy a slow-down moment not because it is National Gratitude Month but because it is uplifting to be one with nature and the beauty of the Earth. Ralph Waldo Emerson offered a touch of uplifting gratitude.
“Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude."
With Thanksgiving almost here, the cookies baked for this weekend's Friendsgiving, and my little grandgirls visiting on Sunday, I feel blessed beyond measure. My house is ready to give thanks as is nature.
Mary Lee Hahn invited poets to write a #haikuforhealing. Since our mixed-up world, needs healing on many fronts I decided to join in. My thoughts begin with autumn sharing its last breath.
November rides the winds searching for Autumn's last breath before the season transitions to another. The change in weather adds to the beauty of blue skies and golden blankets beneath our feet. There is a sense of solemnity outdoors as people come and go doing their civic duty.
Photo created with Graphite
Returning indoors, news flashes, polls roll on by, and political talk sweeps across the stations. Voices become louder and emotions stir like leaves blowing in the wind, scattering here and there, and crunching beneath feet. Darkness approaches, polls close, and neighborhood streets become quiet once again.
Television anchor teams continue offering information late into the night. Smartboards load with two colors but results take their time in coming. Another beautiful November morning arrives and I fill our minds with more news and data. We pause with pride thinking back on the Preamble to the Constitution and hope that this presidential term will not be divisive. It is important to honor what our Founding Fathers wrote in the Constitution.
"We are the people of the United States who must establish justice, domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity."
We vote because "Voting is the expression of our commitment to ourselves, one another, this country, and this world". -Sharone Salzberg, American Author
May November winds circulate across the states, bringing the spirit of togetherness and unity.
Halloween is always our family night of fun.
Bringing Halloween to Life at Grandma's house!