Saturday, March 8, 2025


I wake pondering where time went. My laptop is on my lap just where I left it last night. I don't remember not finishing my Poetry Friday post. Night must have shifted into morning like the speed of lightning. I rise surprised. What happened? 

All I remember is being exhausted by the events of yesterday. A visit to the eye specialist left me numb. Shocked by the news of a possible retina tear on top of the husband's condition. The word, CANCER, dug deeper into my thoughts. My reaction was to find a way to handle both issues, my eye and his disease. Thoughts rattled in my mind. 

Breathe in-Breathe out-Meditate! These are ways to reduce the stress that blackens the room. I found a quote from someone who understood the challenges of life. 

Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two breaths, or turning inwards in prayer for five short minutes.
- Etty Hillesum, Dutch Jewish author who was murdered in  Auschwitz during WW II


jagged edges

of night dreams

haunt me

back and forth

they sway

slipping away

into reality

f e a r

may find its nooks

But h o p e

becomes IMPLANTED in my HEART!

©CVarsalona, February, 2025

The above poem was originally written during Laura Shovan's Annual February Poetry Project and refined this morning. I was to write about a dream, positive, negative, or just strange - about a moment in this year's political history?

My first thought was world tensions mount. Illness adds to sleepless nights.

Did you know that politics are keeping American up at night? Nearly 60% of adults struggle to fall asleep due to political worries. - 50AASM

After reading about Etty Hillesum caught in the midst of the Holocaust, I want to learn more about her writings.


A new day begins. I will remember to breathe and meditate on my spiritual journey to wholeness (My Spiritual Journey post on Wholeness is here. Thank you, slicer/poet, Denise Krebs for adding my blog post for the group to read.)

Thank you Margaret Simon, host of Poetry Friday,

for the support you have provided the past two months.

I am very late for the Poetry Friday Roundup but

I am off the mark lately. I will make the rounds this weekend.

For now, I am headed to an retina specialist.

The above Poetry Firday umage was created by Margaret Simon.

Thank you Two Writing Teachers for the space to write 
with a worldwide group of educators.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Spiritual Journey to Wholeness/#SOL25

On this day of howling winds, I am pondering the Spiritual Journey Thursday theme of wholeness suggested by our host, Denise Krebs at Dare To Care. I am preoccupied as a caregiver for my husband who is battling a rare form of cancer in the pancreas and liver. I feel unsure of what the days ahead will be like so wholeness is something I would like to strive for.

What is Wholeness?

It is not the charred pieces of prolonged challenges that breaks my hearts. It is not the damaged bits of aloneness or the stirring unsettled pressures of worry and discontent. Wholeness is like a puzzle coming together with patience (another something I need to acquire).

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, wholeness is the quality of being or feeling complete and not divided or damaged. In a spiritual sense, wholeness is the Unseen Hand gathering the broken or damaged pieces of my journey and binding them together. Support is needed to continue my journey of faith and hope and bringing healing moments to the assorted chipped pieces. 

I found this beautiful quote by Maya Angelou and penned a draft poem that moves me from sadness to a renewed outlook. ⬇

Nothing can dim the light that shines from within. - Maya Angelou

healing the dark sadness of nothing
requires a light within that can
not be dim
it must fill the
everyday moments with bright light
slowly opening that
portal which shines
and restores the soul from
unwanted stress to newness within
draft ©CVarsalona, 2025
Golden Shovel from Maya Angelo

A New Day Awakens
on a winter day an azure blue sky looks down on life

whispy cloud-cushions prepare for flight
as angels circulate sprinkling earth with warmth to awaken life

nature floods earth
with the spirit of wholeness
the journey continues 
draft ©CVarsalona, 2025

11 years of Writing Slices of Life

Monday, March 3, 2025

A Winter Delight

An amaryllis is always waiting to delight and surprise you, even when your world seems cold and dark. - Susan Meissner, Only the Beautiful

one day a winter gift came my way
one day a winter gift came my way
©CVarsalona, 2025

With my winter gift, I can lean on hope during dark days and know that my one word, renew, is guiding me. Several times since December, my amaryllis has renewed itself. Its deep red flowers welcome me to sit and be quiet. 

11 Years of Writing Slices of Life

Day 1 can be found here

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Time To Be with March SOLSC #SOL25

March opens with a flicker of light, a smack of cold weather, and  thoughts of renewal. It is a timely month where writers gather to reflect, renew friendships, and offer mindful moments of thought. 

So without further ado, I start the month-long challenge that Two Writing Teachers offer in March each year. My SOLSC #SOL25 will consist of daily dialogues in poetic formats with digital art. I will open my Sanctuary of Thought with hopes that you will join me on my journey. We all need time to dream, time to remember, time to reach for the infinite, and just time to be.

Thank you fellow slicer, Ramona Behnke, for sharing the above inspirational quote with me. It inspired me to use a digital tool, Fotojet, to pen my opening haiku.

Day 1 of the March SOLSC #SOL25
11 Years of Writing Slices of Life