They say the mind is garden-like, with thoughts as sprouting seeds
*but I’m left holding cuttings I’m not sure where to plant
Weedy-thick, the prickly buds of odd logic bloom:
*You don’t cry anymore, but you sing all the words.
Each line in a different language as the light shifts,
*trees turned so orange the road looked blue.
Words tangle, colors muddy in the palette.
*I am no longer winsome to the sun.
*a whole sun’s rise to share
there goes the one that got away
*found a bit of sunflower
and plucked every petal (by the way, he loves me)
and then I remembered
*That’s what you wrote about the green beans
Stockpile, then, that snap and sass to sweeten your September.
A dedicated space to ponder, reflect, and converse about life, literacy, and learning
Tuesday, August 29, 2023
#PoetryPals August Challenge
Friday, August 25, 2023
Being in the Moment
Have you ever wanted to drift away on a pool float or an inflatable device during the summer? I often think of the times I laid on a lounge chair listening to the ripple of my turquoise vase cascading waterfall instead of rushing around trying to catch up. To just be in the moment without disturbances is a calming experience.
I quietly reflect bringing me back to memories of several delightful family vacations in Cape May. While on the beach a few weeks ago, I watched three dolphins splashing in the Atlantic Ocean. Although they did not jump up out of the water, their splashing caused many beach lovers to stare into the waves and marvel at nature. More memories float in of many by-the-sea days digging my toes in the sand while reading novels. There is so much relaxation and renewal while enjoying beach time.
Mind Emptying to Feel Calm

Friday, August 18, 2023
Tranquility at the Cape May Beach
My recent trip to Cape May Beach was the balm needed to slow down, refresh, and renew. The grittiness of the warm sand and the sinking feeling of burying my toes brought back memories of days at the Long Island, NY shore. Rolling waves sparkled under a blue sky filled with billowy clouds. Lapping noises rolled against the beach. The rhythmic motion soothed my soul. Nature whispered softly, sometimes loudly depending on its mood. Streams of light filtered from the beach to the dinner venue across the street from the beach.
Saturday, August 12, 2023
Summer In My Heart
Thursday, August 3, 2023
Turn and Reflect In August
Tuesday, August 1, 2023
Summertime Peace
It's August already. July slipped by under a halo of heat and tissues. I flip-flopped between feeling healthy enough and ready to enjoy summer's charms to wondering if I would ever stop being attacked by allergens in the air. It's been three weeks of allergy meds, inhalers, and not feeling right but Sunday starts a week of breathing in sea air and tossing worries into the Atlantic Ocean. I can imagine the breathing view of Cape May's painted ladies proudly facing the beach. We already missed a well-planned anniversary weekend trip to the Chesapeake shore in Virginia so I am eager to find tranquility at the Jersey Shore next week.