Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Summer Waves Goodby

This weekend as my family drove around curvy bends, the faint markings of fall appeared. Soft leaves from green-canopied trees danced in front of us. Nature shared its seasonal contrasts. The last days of summer were fading so we followed the road's path to celebrate late summer's bounty.

along scenic roads
dancing leaves pirouetted
summer breezed by
evening shadows
rustled whispering reeds
seasons transitioned

©CV, 2021

🌅 🍁Summer waved goodby. Autumn returns.

Enjoy the shift in seasons that nurtures our souls. 🌅 🍁


  1. Beautiful! I was just thinking yesterday how the colors of fall are appearing ... Love your title!

    1. Thanks for your comment. As we traveled the country roads this weekend, my husband and I discussed how rich the colors of fall would be soon.

  2. Carol, there is something about Fall - the colors, the nip in the air, the tastes and smells - that just are not matched by any other season.

    1. That is right, Bob. Autumn has its own scent, colors, and feels-Mother Nature's tribute to the senses!
