Thursday, October 5, 2023

Gathering Gladness

Today, the Spiritual Journey community gives thought to a question posed by our host, Ramona Behnke. How do you gather and share gladness? October is the right month to discuss this topic because it offers a pivotal time during  Fall. Summer ends but summertime vibes continue during the "second summer" days of October. Autumn paints the earth in golden brown adorned with russet and crimson hues. At times, she sends a soft breeze, fresh, scattered leaves, and warm temperatures to gather gladness for all to share. 

Here, in Virginia, October brings second summer and sweater weather for nature walks and apple and pumpkin picking. Grandchildren dance on haystacks, chase leaves, and soak in the radiance of sun-kissed sunrises and blazing sunsets. Within these activities, I cultivate gladness by sharing the joy of the outdoors with my family. When the day darkens during the evening time, I spend time writing, another joyful experience. There is usually a hush in the air that makes me smile as I softly hit the keyboard to compose. I open my heart and drink in the beauty of October.

nature streaks the sky 
in crayola-layered hues
watchful eyes gather
CVarsalona, 2023, Northern Virginia

During Autumn, I gladly search for calming sights that nurture the mind, body, and soul! I observe the changing landscape and the brilliant sky. I praise Nature for following the hand of the Spirit when creating this magnificent season. As Ralph Waldo Emerson stated decades ago, "Nature always wears the colors of the spirit". My one word, BE, beckons me to choose gladness this month as a focal point. I agree with Anne of Green Gables-"I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers."

Do you enjoy the month of October as much as I do?

My one word BE beckons me to choose gladness this month as a focal point. I shall soak in the beauty of nature as she continues to change the landscape.

Thank you friends:, for being together in the spirit and thank you, Ramona, for hosting and chosing this title.


  1. Carol, your words capture much of what I love about October. I especially noticed your progression through I search, I observe, I praise. Your photo and haiku are lovely and include my OLW gather. I join you in celebrating October. It's definitely one of my favorite months of the year. In the busyness of getting settled and finding new health care providers, I've yet to decorate for Halloween. I plan to remedy that today!

    1. Ramona, thanks for presenting a praiseworthy word, gladness, to gather my thoughts. October is a month for celebrating the goodness of nature as we gather together. I am always pleased to join my SJT friends in moments of meditation and peace. Enjoy your Halloween preparations. Being a Grandma makes me especially glad to enjoy Halloween with the little grandgirls. Moving is always busy. I am still trying to take care of boxes of memories. If you have a late summer photo of nature from your new locale and a small poem, I would love for you to add it to my Destination: Summer's End Padlet.

  2. I agree...this prompt from Ramona is tremendously and wonderfully thought provoking. Fall in Virginia is just the best. The clear air and the warm sun --- LOVE it! It's hard to be at the keyboard when there is so much goodness outside to be in before the rain, fog and chill arrive. Last night...or maybe it was early this morning was noisy with rain. I might be able to catch up with some reading as I wait for things to dry up a little. Crayola's got nothing on good old October!
