Twitter is a viable channel for the collective consciousness to have a voice. In the Twittersphere, there are different circles of like-minded individuals who discuss timely and relevant topics about teaching, learning, reflection, and life. From my first #satchat, the educational world's Saturday morning chat, I was able to connect with educators across the country and then, that linked me to other chats and other tweeps. At first, there was a learning curve and then a familiarity with the platform and its power grew.
My journey with social media has taken me from the behind the scenes lurker to the visible forum of Google Hangouts. As a member of the moderating team of #nyedchat, I have spent many delightful moments chatting with my team and with those who join our forum, whether it be via Twitter or Google Hangout. My blogging experience grew simultaneously as I entered the Twitter world as another avenue to explore voice. Being a lover of language has helped me gravitate to the use of a new platform for conversation. Realizing that others are reluctant to engage in active chats, I enthusiastically invite educators to explore the power of the collective voice. Thoughts captured from online conversations can lead to transformative action in districts, classrooms, organizations, and in personal lives.

8:30 PM EST
Feb. 24, 2014 Peter Catalanotto, Author/Illustrator
Teaching Writing to Children
Mar. 3, 2014 Chris Lehmann & Kate Roberts, Authors/Consultants
Teaching Reading in New York State: Where We Are Now, Where We Could Be
Other Dates and Speakers for March and April will be announced.
Watch for more information about our Live Streaming Event
Tuesday, May 6th, 8:30 PM
with Pam Moran and Ira Socol
Teachers as Constructors of Exploration
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