Thursday, September 7, 2023

Life at the Speed of Grace

Amidst the dust of cluttered life moments, I sit this morning pondering the words of Henry Nouwen. The spiritual life does not remove us from the world but leads us deeper into it. For years, I have searched for clarity on how to slow down and sit with peace. The journey is a self-exploration. I find nature's sweet essence as a nurturing factor. In addition, this year my one word, be, is a recurring reminder that life is not about constant motion but a slow-down speed of Grace. I wake to morning cracks of daylight splashing through the shades and the blooming of late summer flowers spreading their buds for a taste of refreshing water. Nature offers its new-day point of view.  It is in moments like these that I hear the chirping sounds of life and know that God is nearby to nurture life. 

This week, poet and children's author, Patricia Franz, leads the Spiritual Journey community in an exploration of a burning question on our spiritual journey. How will Grace find you? She offers thoughts on Grace being her "shorthand for God. I am learning to live at the speed of Grace, letting God catch me, surprise me, right where I am." These words spark my thoughts on my own spiritual journey before leading me into another busy day. The house is quiet; Grace finds me before the world does. I enjoy slow-down still moments as quietude surrounds me and provides a cushioning cloud to start my day. 

Please join me as I start my day at Patricia Franz's blog where the Spiritual Journey community of writers offer inspirational thoughts. May you find Grace and refresh your life.

On the day I called, You answered me;
You made me bold with strength in my soul.
Psalm 138:3


  1. Carol, those slow down still moments are precious. We are programmed to constantly be on the go and not to seek them out, but they are so important for our spiritual well being. Grace does whisper to us and we need to be attuned to its message.

    1. Thanks, Bob, for stopping by and adding your commentary. I have been programmed for so long that a short nap or relaxing seems like a luxury. Patricia really put me in a good place pondering over this month's topic. May we all feel refreshed and renewed (even when the heat is oppressive). Have a wonderful week.

  2. Nouwen's words are a perfect complement for our reflections, Carol. The Spirit was always a go-to image for me when I was young. It wasn't until I grew into my faith that I came to appreciate, love, the incarnational aspect of God in Jesus. Mostly what it led me to was understanding that I could seek and find God in all things, hiding in plain sight, in all the material-ness of our world. I love that grace finds you before the world each morning! In fact, just thinking about that delights me and I may hang on to that nugget! Thank you!

    1. Patricia, I think young children, like my grandgirls, understand God as the Father they pray to. I am hoping that my 6-yr-old will learn more this year during her "faith formation" program. (I was impressed by the new name for religion class.} What I enjoy about our community is that each person has a unique take on each prompt and we borrow thoughts for future inspiration as we continue to form our faith with grace.

  3. Carol, I love your thoughts, especially these specific phrases: "... Grace finds me before the world does. I enjoy slow-down still moments as quietude surrounds me and provides a cushioning cloud to start my day." Love your slow-down still moments and cushioning cloud - a perfect way to begin the day. And it's fabulous how you revisit your word so often throughout the year and tie it to your writing. The image from your poem of breathing in, breathing out with rhythm is one that will stay with me. There's something about water that makes it so wonderful to just be!

    1. Ramona, I am fortunate to be a believer and listen for any mention of the word "Be". My current yoga teacher connects breathing with being on and off the mat as a constant reminder to slow down and remain in the moment. I am feeling the guidance of my one word that I might even continue using it into next year since I have been guilty of feeling the rush of the outside world and the pressure of to-do tasks. Be filled with the laughter of your little ones and the calmness of your walks.

  4. Carol: the ebb and flow of tides is a wonderful image for grace, the gentle washing, the swish of the waves, the invitation to step in. Thank you for the beauty of this grace-filled image.

    1. Karen, what I appreciate about your comment is that it provides it extends my thoughts on grace and throughout the day. Pause and Reflect!

  5. Carol, we all struggle with "slowing down to sit with peace." I believe that's why poetry and the ocean call to us so - they meet a spiritual need, they fill a longing. They point toward God. As the psalmist said, strength for the "calling" soul. Your poem is as soothing as untroubled ocean tides...I can almost hear their rhythms in your beautiful lines. So very peaceful.

    1. Fran, life is turbulent yet filled with peaceful moments if we find the time to sit with God. At Sunday mass, there was peace flowing. A parishioner needs emergency care and while waiting for the EMT team, I believe the congregation was praying for this mass. I also felt the peace of Grace at yoga classes last week. If we listen, the calling is strong. Peace to you.

  6. It is in those quiet, still moments in nature where I find grace and peace and presence, essential to existing in our world today.

    1. I totally agree with you, Margaret. I hope you are feeling better this week.
