Friday, January 17, 2025

Winter: Time for Home

 ðŸŒ² “Winter is the time for comfort, for good food, and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.” – Edith Sitwell🌲

In the cold of winter, warmth is a common thought. Blankets of snow warm the landscape while inside the fireplace warms the little girls. We watch the day pass by. The flank of windows brings us closer to nature and its daily changes. Green patches pop forward with snow as borders. One deer jumped from one small patch of woods into another across from our house. It was a spectacular sight. We waited silently for the rest of the deer family but they did not come. I've heard the coo of two birds as they soared across the community but birds don't nestle in the backyard during the chill. Perhaps, the tiny one that fell frozen on our front porch tried to fly south. The fox jumped back and forth from the woods near a neighbor's house. Some animals frolic in the winter chill, while others seek refuge. We watch the antics and the sorrow within the warmth of our house, knowing that winter is a time for home.

winter's scenic sights
delight snuggling children
from inside out
©cvarsalona, 2025
haibun draft

Since our winter days have dipped below freezing, I thought of adding some color to the photo of the scene outside my front porch. The two older grandgirls are inside lounging by the warm fireplace with furry throws wrapped around them. Warm cocoa, peppermint, and a warm shower bring the comfort of winter right into the home.

is hosted this week by
professor/poet Tricia Stohr-Hunt who is sharing an interesting poem about the typewriter. As part of the Poetry Sister's, Tricia invites all to this month's writing challenge. 
I also have an invitation: Loveuary Heartnotes
I am hosting Poetry Friday on February 7th at my Beyond LiteracyLink blog.
I invite all to create a love note, valentine, poem, digital artwork, etc.
 I will create a padlet, titled HeartNotes for interested writers. Join me as I honor Valentine's Day, a love-note to the rest of the year. (Jo Lightfoot)


  1. What beauteous words and imagery as always.
    Looking forward to the love letters!

    1. Tanita, thank you for your gracious comment that makes me persist in a poetic way during shadowed times.

  2. Carol, what lovely sites and sounds and smells greeted me in your lovely prose poem and haiku. I love the idea of "from inside out" and how you captured that describing the scene out the window and what was happening inside too.

    1. Denise, thank you for your comments. The words from inside out were a nice suprise.

  3. What a delight of scenic sights right outside your window, Carol. Thank you for sharing them with us.

    1. Thank you, Rose. Sometimes I can catch nature at work and play.

  4. Love the scene you've shared with us, Carol, of all that you can see from your window AND with the grandgirls! And, love that 'inside out'! Keep cozy! It's very cold here today & through Monday, too.

    1. Linda, it's cold here too-so cold that it feels like NY in the deep of winter. I have only the two oldest grands here for the weekend. My little Lila has RSV so my daughter is taking care of her. It has been a difficult weekend for Devin. She and her husband, Mike, were both supposed to go to a cousin's wedding in NY but the baby had to go to the doctor then the ER so Devin had to stay home. My husband went for a RSV shot and we have been snuggling with the other grands.

  5. This weather has been great for the fireplace and snuggling!

    1. Absolutely! Linda and I will meet you at the April poetry workshop.

  6. Carol, you have so much nature to watch from your window! That's a very cozy scene with the kiddos and hot chocolate. Wishing you more this week as the temps dip!

    1. Temps are dipping way down this week. It makes me wonder if schools will close. Stay warm.

  7. I love this: love letters. We need so many for the world right now!

  8. ooooh! A love note. I'm intrigued and challenged. Those lucky grand girls. I've spent today sipping warm drinks--what a mess out there!

    1. I have not seen slush like this since my NY days. Stay warm, Linda. I wonder if school will be closed.

  9. Just about the only movement outside my window this single-digit morning are the birds, who are fluffed to double-size, but not daunted. They inspire me.

    1. Mary Lee, the birds dluffed to double-size is a welcoming sight.

  10. Such a comforting and snuggly haiku Carol, almost makes me feel better about the bitter cold… Lovely pic too, thanks! P.S. I have birds like Mary Lee that are all puffed out too, waiting to take turns at the feeder or our new water dish that offers flowing water via a low watt electric pad in it.

    1. Michelle, you have provided a high-style living for the birds. It is bitter cold here too but we are all hoping for above freezing temperatures.

  11. Warmth and coziness abound here, Carol. Thank you.

    1. Karen, that is what we need for these chilled days. My little grandgirls are traveling to Quebec for skiing time. Now that what I call braving the weather.
