Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Winter Silence

🌲 “Winter is a season of recovery and preparation.” – Paul Theroux ðŸŒ²

Early morning stillness:

From a photograph
to digital art
In this frozen winter
I would like to decorate the silence
that stills the start of the day.
Perhaps, the sole bird's coo
will wake the chill or
bells will dance in the wind.
Nature knows the next step.
Meanwhile, the house is heated. 
The fireplace stirs with warmth
and the day begins.
©CVarsalona, 2025

(Credit and thanks to Linda Gregg for the italicized line below.)

     Winter Love by Linda Gregg
I would like to decorate this silence,   
but my house grows only cleaner
and more plain. The glass chimes I hung   
over the register ring a little
when the heat goes on.
I waited too long to drink my tea.   
It was not hot. It was only warm.

Special Invitation to Slicers: I am hosting Poetry Friday on February 7th at my Beyond LiteracyLink blog. Create a love note, valentine, poem, digital artwork, etc. I will create a padlet, titled Heartnotes for interested writers. Join me as I honor Valentine's Day, a love-note to the rest of the year. (Jo Lightfoot)

Thank you Two Writing Teachers for providing writing space for reflective writers from around the globe.


  1. Good Evening, Ms. Varsalona!

    May I begin by saying, "How beautiful!"

    Six years later after moving to Colorado, the snow still feels new to me. Of course, no two days are alike - but the way you captured the stillness and painted such sentiments with your words is just enchanting. I made a most wonderful connection! Three of my favorite lines?

    "I would like to decorate the silence..."
    "...sole bird's coo..."
    "...bells will dance in the wind..."

    Thank you so much for inviting us into such a scenic memory. It feels like a fairy tale.

    With Warmest Regards,

    ~Dr. Carla Michelle

  2. We've had a bit more winter than I'm accustomed to. I would like to decorate the silence is a lovely line! And I love that you shared where you found the line. Love the alliteration in "silence that stills the start ..."
    Meanwhile, thank goodness the house is heated. Stay warm, Carol!

  3. What beautiful borrowed line, Carol: "I would like to decorate the silence." I feel like I understand that desire on a deep level. Winter silence especially is a gift...something to be treasured. A time of recovery, yes. a time to rest and regroup. The photos are amazing and your poem invokes such gratitude for provision and the healing stillness. I love it all.
