Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Two Sides of Winter

While winter white snow leaves a feeling of tranquility on a day filled with sunshine, it also has another side after the pristine snow settles and lasts for days. That snow is frozen and silent until vehicles traveling on town roads and highways push their snow bundles around causing "dirty snow". 

I have experienced snowfalls up to 6 feet growing up in Syracuse, the central part of New York State. My sister and neighborhood children enjoyed the pristine snow scenes but adults mostly complained about the very tedious shoveling. Growing up, I watched winter bring all different types of snow, white dancing fairy snow, frozen cold snow that you could feel through your mittens, and melting snow from rain just when you wanted to build a snowman. 

Two Sides of Winter


I am hosting Poetry Friday on February 7th at my Beyond LiteracyLink blog.
 Create a love note, valentine, poem, digital artwork, etc. I created a padlet, titled Heartnotes for interested writers. 
Join me as I honor Valentine's Day, a love-note to the rest of the year. (Jo Lightfoot)

You can find my padlet here.


Thank you Two Writing Teachers for the space to write with colleagues from across the globe. You can read other Slices of Life here.


  1. Carol, winter does have two sides. I love the beauty of newly fallen snow. There is a picture of serenity no other season paints. As a kid, I loved heavy snowfalls. It was the time of building forts and snowmen. It was a time of sledding. It was a day off from school. Now, it just means shoveling and cleaning off the cars. A blazing fire in the fireplace, if we had one, a cup of hot chocolate, and a good book would be my ideal way of spending a snow day. Bob

    1. Bob, thank you for offering you thoughts on two side of winter. I'm my off to write my SJT and hope you join me at my padlet for Loveuary's heartnotes.
