Sunday, November 8, 2015

Celebrating Indian Summer

Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.  
George Eliot

This week. Long Island was dressed in brilliant colors as it celebrated nature with bright, glorious Indian Summer days. Autumn's golden hues were everywhere. I felt inspired by the crispness of leaves crunching beneath my shoes, sunshine on my face, and autumnal trees tossing their leaves from one branch to another. 

One morning, I stood transfixed on the sight of leaves gently dancing from branch to branch and across my roof. All of a sudden, the pattern was interrupted by a quick motion. I took a double take to note that a very acrobatic squirrel was engaged in the same sweeping patterns as the leaves but in an aggressive manner. His gymnastic stunts made me laugh. Unfortunately, I could not capture the movement with my iPhone. The nature waltz continued interrupted only for a few seconds by a hip hop trickster?

Mid-week my husband and I happened upon a farmer's market at one of the parks on the north shore of Long Island. After make a long list of wishes, we settled on farm-fresh vegetables and a large fall-inspired coffee. A long walk through the park was exactly what I was looking for-magnificent autumnal scenes.

Nature brought Indian Summer days to Long Island this week. I was impressed by the season's beautiful invitation to soak in the pleasures of autumn.  I hope it is a glorious shade of autumn where you are. Let Indian Summer days capture your heart as they did mine.

Please visit Ruth Ayres' blog site, discover, play, BUILD to celebrate this week with her and the Celebrate This Week bloggers. 

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