Friday, August 25, 2023

Being in the Moment

Have you ever wanted to drift away on a pool float or an inflatable device during the summer? I often think of the times I laid on a lounge chair listening to the ripple of my turquoise vase cascading waterfall instead of rushing around trying to catch upTo just be in the moment without disturbances is a calming experience.  

I quietly reflect bringing me back to memories of several delightful family vacations in Cape May. While on the beach a few weeks ago, I watched three dolphins splashing in the Atlantic Ocean. Although they did not jump up out of the water, their splashing caused many beach lovers to stare into the waves and marvel at nature. More memories float in of many by-the-sea days digging my toes in the sand while reading novels. There is so much relaxation and renewal while enjoying beach time.

 Mind Emptying to Feel Calm

Tomorrow I shall listen
to nature's whisperings
undaunted by unfinished tasks.
Sleep, please help me remember
the promises I made to myself.
©CVarsalona, 2023
Another way to empty my mind is to write poetry. The Summer Poem Swap under the event creator, Tabatha Yeatts, has been a creative venture into "being". I enjoy the time alone designing and writing for partners. The third swap was delightful since my partner, Rose Cappelli, and I share similar interests, traveling to Cape May, NJ, gardening, and nature. Below is the creative and bountiful gift Rose sent to me.

 Paper Flowers to adorn my buffet, seeds for my garden, and an Edna St. Vincent Millay Postcard for inspiration (read the poem below)

My candle burns at both ends;
It will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my
friends-it gives a lovely light!

The floral card Rose sent has a lovely note and a Mary Oliver poem.

See an Original Poem by Rose below. It is full of visuals and inspiration
The stain happened while I was enjoying both Rose's poem and a cup of tea.

My last Summer Poem Swap was sent out today to Carol Labuzetta today.
The photo above is from our host of Poetry Friday this week, Linda Baie.

The temperature in Denver is 100 degrees but this does not stop Linda from celebrating her grandson's movement to the adult world of work and her granddaughters' transitions to upper grades. Linda shares thoughts from her heart in an original poem titled Resistance. Please saunter over to Linda's blog post, TeacherDance, where you find her poetic goodness and hospitality plus poetic posts from other writers.


  1. What a lovely breath of fresh air your post is! Especially appreciate phrase, "undaunted by unfinished tasks." May we push through the end of summer heat and haze to keep the promises we made.

    1. Tanita, thank you for stopping by. I did forget about the date and the Exquisite Corpse project so I look forward to reading all the Poetry Sisters' poems.

  2. I love that swishing and splashing, Carol, plus your continued to nudges to take time for ourselves, to just be. I don't have enough of that in my life right now!

    1. Laura, having time for ourselves is a gift. I just woke up late and it feels so good to dothat.

  3. I love the way your poem ends as "evening envelops me/tranquillity" - sigh! I didn't get to the ocean this year and miss every bit, including the splashing dolphins! Boo hoo! Yes, the swaps are wonderful, I agree. Rose's gifts of Mary Oliver then her own "Noticings" plus the poetic gifts - special. Have a wonderful weekend, Carol, "being"!

    1. Linda, we had a wonderful Sunday with the grands. They came to our community's indoor and outdoor pools. The baby had a douse of pool life and did well.Then, we made an outdoor luncheon with salmon. The girls even helped with the set up. Grands are such a gift!

  4. Carol, so much to love here. I felt more tranquil reading your first poem, and I want to "listen to nature's whispering undaunted by unfinished tasks" Life is more satisfying when we can listen. Thanks for sharing about your fun from Rose!

    1. Denise, I am trying my best to listen and just be. Hope you find that pleasure, too.

  5. Carol, what lovely poetry swaps! Thank you for the reminder to be present for these last few moments of summer!

    1. Tracey, as summer nears and ending it seems like such a parting but then, I remind myself that fall's transition is a wonder-filled event.

  6. Thank you for the reminder to just sit still and BE in the moment!

  7. I love the repeat of "Have you noticed?" in Rose's poem. It's a subtle reminder to "be." Such great poetry swaps!

    1. Patricia, you are right. Thanks for pointing that out to me. Have a week of just being in tune with nature.

  8. I would love to feel unhurried...not the season for me right now. But, I do have an ocean of wonderful memories from this summer to make me smile. Great poem swaps!

    1. I have followed your summer events, Linda. You can fill an album with your happy happenings. School days always bring the "hurry" back into the picture.

  9. Love your tranquility poem, Carol and how you compare your swirling thoughts to the dolphins swishing and splashing. It evokes such calm.

    1. Rose, without our noticings, we cannot "just be". Patricia's comment and your poem remind me of that. Thanks for the wonderful poem exchange.

  10. Carol, what an important and timely reminder. I find that I have forgotten how to sit still "undaunted by unfinished tasks" and don't know when that happened. It's something I've been thinking about this summer and have made some changes to get myself back to my pre-business owner state when I used to be able to sit for hours and just... sit. Thank you for this beautiful poem.

    1. Lou, when the to dos pile up (even happy ones), we tend to forget to relax in the moment. I am guilty of this many times over. Let's find the beauty of the moments this week!

  11. Carol, Thanks for sharing Rose's thoughtful and bountiful swap. I will look forward to receiving yours. I love the fall yellow leaf - I just took a photo today of a maple leaf already turned red!

    1. Carol, you should write a poem about that maple leaf. It is a significant reminder that we are transitioning into a new season. I love the shower of fall leaves. Have a wonderful week, poem swap partner.

  12. Yes, yes, to the calm, Carol! My favorite line is "so I can 'just be'"

    1. Anastasia, since choosing the word be as my One Little Word this year, I have heard that word used in many different ways and in many different facets of life.

  13. "Sleep, please help me remember the promises I made to myself." Indeed! Love that line.This reminded me of Laura Purdie Salas' INSOMNIA dansa.

    1. Thanks, Karen. Yoga today was all about "being" in restorative poses. It was a good session and the topic was perfect.
