Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Everyday Miracles

Are there times in your life when you pause to breathe in and breathe out the gentle rush of the wind or stand in awe of a small flower growing in a spot you did not plant? The act of wondering strengthens our ability to find calm in an upside-down world but challenges are ever-present. It is faith that helps us journey onward. 

Bob Hamera, aka arjeha, is this month's host of our Spiritual Journey community of writers. His topic concerns: "What miracles have graced your life?" He also found a song, Flower Drum Song, "A Hundred Million Miracles" to reflect upon. In response to Bob's questions, I have witnessed everyday miracles, such as the awakening of seasons and my little grandgirls enjoying nature's bounty. I have seen medical miracles, the continuance of life after the traumatic birth of my son who almost died the first week in ICU, and the celebration of twenty years of remission from non-Hodgkins lymphoma. Both of these events brought fear and anxiety into a fragile life but faith sustained me through the power of prayer and medicine. 

Miracles are not magical. They are precious, spiritual gifts bestowed on the land and the living. They are powerful signs from God, the Divine Giver. The free graphic below speaks of the greatest miracle, the rising of the Lord from the depths of death.
By The Girl Creative blog

I found a poem by Walt Whitman, Miracles, that is uplifting. It starts with a question and follows with "As to me I know of nothing else but miracles". I believe in miracles but I need to pause more often to fill my heart with the joys of small, everyday miracles.


Why, who makes much of a miracle?
Strike line from Walt Whitman's Poem, Miracles

I am blessed by miracles big and small. Then, why 
do I question nature's nurturing of the earth? Who 
hears my heart beating so fast that it makes
me rush into daily life? Much
perseverance is needed on this journey of
faith. I commit to pause more and be thankful for each miracle.                        
©CVarsalona, April 2024


Welcome to my Poetry Parade
for National Poetry Month 2024

I invite you to join my Poetry Parade this month.
If interested, create an image poem on any spring topic,
such as nature, sports, animals, etc.
I will create a Poetry Parade Padlet to insert your poem.
More information will be offered later in the week.


  1. Carol, I love these lines, "Miracles are not magical. They are precious, spiritual gifts bestowed on the land and the living." People see miracles occur and think it is magic which is nothing more that sleight-of-hand which can be explained by those who know how the trick was done. Miracles are not tricks. They cannot be explained. They are gifts bestowed by God. May your life continue to be filled with everyday miracles. Bob

    1. Bob, you and I agree totally on the subject of miracles. May you and Kathy stay healthy and well during springtime. Thank you for your topic. I hope you consider joining my Poetry Parade for National Poetry Month.

  2. I love Whitman's poem, Carol. True testament to finding those everyday miracles. I know faith has accompanied me to this place now where I take notice and whisper prayers of gratitude, even for the painful gifts.

    1. Patricia, the painful gifts are hard to understand but faith cushions the stings and helps us find some internal peace. I like the action, whisper prayers of gratitude. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Carol, like Bob I was struck by your line "miracles are not magical." Once, long ago, I heard someone talk about bees and the way their antennae are designed to home in on pollen. The comparison is we find what we are looking to find. A bee finds find miracles.

    It is good to read your words.

    1. Ruth, I am so happy that you joined SJ this past week. Miracles are the gifts given to us from the Lord. Sometimes, I forget to look for the small blades shooting from the soil or a sunlit day after successive days of rain. Thanks for the little story about the bees honing in on their pollen. May this week be filled with small miracles for all of us.

  4. "...I need to pause more often to fill my heart with the joys of small, everyday miracles." These words are a wonderful reminder to slow down and savor the ever-present small miracles.Whitman's poem, Miracles, truly showcases the wonderfulness of daily miracles. We are surrounded by them. Thanks for sharing your miracles, Carol.

  5. So many wonderful miracles! Thank you for sharing them! Ruth,
