Friday, May 3, 2024

Growth on the Spiritual Journey

Springtime offers verdant landscapes with lush settings. It is a time of growth, rebirth, and rejuvenation as Earth reawakens from its winter slumber. The month of May opens the door to our Spiritual Journey host, Jone Rush MacCulloch's, theme on growth.

There is environmental growth and personal, self-growth. The digitized photo of a day with nature is shown below. I distinctly remember walking the grounds of Westbury Gardens, a Long Island historical site, with a euphoric feeling.  Nature was aglow. the grounds were manicured and the gardens blooming. 

What did I learn about springtime from this memorable day? 

  • Walking in nature can become a ritual that helps boost energy while developing a positive mindset
  • When the earth is blooming there is a sense of calm
  • Quiet time helps to get to know yourself 
  • Rather than attempting to reach the final draft of ourselves, we should find the courage to keep revising  -Susan David
  • I started an abracadabra, magic nine poem for my Poetry Parade Padlet. 
  • I will add two wonderful artistic expressions sent via mail from Marcie Flinchum Atkins and Irene Latham
  • Carol Labuzzetta mailed me her stunning book, Picture Perfect Poetry: An Anthology of Ekphrastic Poetry for Students. I am proud and honored to have three ekphrastic poems and another nature photograph published in her book

You can still send me your image poems or other offerings for the Poetry Parade Padlet, my National Poetry Month project.

Thank you, Jone Rush MacCulloch, for hosting Spiritual Journey with the May theme, growth, for our community of writers. I also thank Buffy Silverman, host of Poetry Friday, for her interesting science-literacy post. I plan on making the rounds this weekend.  


  1. Carol, walking in nature during the spring, one can't help but feel that surge of energy as the world around you is once again coming alive with the scents and colors of the season. I am sure that if you stand quietly, you can almost hear buds blooming and the lawns greening. Bob

  2. I so agree that spring's lush growth is a reminder to grow and rejuvenate in our personal lives. The lush green is certainly a source of peace and bliss. Thanks for reminding us.

  3. Your post made me happy and relaxed, Carol! I agree that when the earth is blooming, there is a sense of calm. We have so many flowering trees blooming and fading in our neighborhood that I smile every time I go down the street.

  4. Yes to a ritual of walking in nature--and to blissful quietude!

    1. Buffy, thanks for the comment. Today, nature is sending its mighty rains with grey skies. Trees and flowers wink with thanks.

  5. I love the combo of growth for both our spiritual journeys and for our journeys into spring. May the both bring blissful quietude.

  6. I do love a good good for my soul and my mood. Walks and poetry? Now, that's a winning combination! Take care this week, Carol. Maybe take it easy too.

  7. Morning, Carol! It's a lovely post for being outside! I love "find the courage to keep revising" and your "blissful quiettude"! Have a great weekend!

  8. Carol, I love the idea that environmental growth can influence our own personal growth. It's true, as you experienced. I love that quote by Susan David: "Rather than attempting to reach the final draft of ourselves, we should find the courage to keep revising." That is certainly what I want to do.

  9. Carol, I can picture the gardens and the feeling they generate after reading your poem; they sound beautiful! The digitized photo is nice, too.

  10. I'm just getting ready to go outside and feel the spring that is building quickly around me. I always enjoy your deep spiritual love of life and nature.
