Friday, July 26, 2024

Morning Musings

This week, I mindfully opened the door to each new day. I listened to bird chatter, the drip-drop of rain falling upon the earth, or marveled at the sky's brightness. Morning awakened life daily. I was grateful to be a participant so I started searching for words of wisdom to honor the awakening of day. One of my favorite poets, Kahlil Gibran, reminded me, "for in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed."

Each day, I appreciate nature's daily orchestration starting with a morning welcome. While in the hospital in May, I felt restricted. There were no sounds of nature awakening me. Only the sounds of busy feet entering my room or the loudspeaker blaring its messages were heard. As a quiet onlooker, I often gazed out the window and pretended to hear nature's daily welcome. Time moved slowly then. Now that I am discharged from home care and in-house physical therapy, I look forward to opening the blinds in the great room and go outside to see what nature offers.

"Let your life lightly dance on the edges of Time like the dew on the tip of a life."
~Rabindranath Tagore

Morning awakens daily,
welcoming each new day of wonder.
In our complex, multi-tasked world,
Who will listen to birds chattering?
Who will pause to watch flowers grow?
Morning soars among the clouds
offering refreshing renewal and
an open invitation to slow down.
Be of good faith; find solace in nature to
peacefully walk the path of quietude.
Disregard the past for
"The beginning is always today." *
"And every dewdrop paints a bow."
draft ©CVarsalona, 2024

*1st Quote by Mary W. Shelley
2nd Quote by Lord Alfred Tennyson


The Poetry Sisters, TanitaMary LeeTriciaLaura, and Liz, invited writers to write haiku want ads, a clever ideas that I once tried years ago.



It's time to join the Poetry Friday Roundup hosted by the wonderful poet/author/librarian, Marcie Flinchum Atkins. Click here to read her blog post.


  1. The beginning is always today. Thank you, Carol. Your poem is so refreshing, and Kahlil Gibran and I go way back so I am always happy to read his words. xo

  2. Such a beautiful ode of gratitude to life, Carol... and dewdrop mornings! I hope you are well on your way to resuming musings!

  3. Hooray for dewdrop mornings! I feel your love for life, Carol. Glad you are doing better.

  4. What wonderful news, that you've been released from home care! Thanks for reminding me about starting new, each day <3

  5. Carol, so glad you keep up the healing! I learned a new word, nemophilist. Yes, we want more of them! I love this message for today: "Be of good faith; find solace in nature to / peacefully walk the path of quietude."

  6. I'm so glad you are looking forward to being in nature. I hope that it continues to bring you healing.

  7. I'm glad you're home where Nature can help you to heal!
