Thursday, August 1, 2024

Pause To Reflect (on the Spiritual Journey)

This year, I chose the word pause to guide my spiritual journey. I had high expectations but little did I know that a couple of months later, I would experience unexpected pauses that started from a simple surgery. During the initial recuperation period, I grieved the loss of my strength. This led to mounting stress. Now,  as I begin physical therapy, I pause to rethink the road ahead. My hope is to have a refreshed attitude and time to enjoy the simple moments of life.

The digital graphic I created shows sunset before the 4th of July fireworks burst into the air. Sky colors are beautiful in Northern Virginia. This particular night was filled with excitement. I wanted to capture the sun's beauty and its awesomeness. I found serenity during the night. After pondering the effect of beauty in the natural world, I created the image poem below. It captured the feeling I had at the fireworks display and gave me hope for a positive spiritual journey.                    

My short poem impacted my thinking? Upon reading quotes, Bible entries, and blogs, on positivity, I found that a positive attitude activates "pause-itivity: the power of the pause". The inspirational writer, Eleanor Brown, also reminds me that self-care is important. If Earth at the end of the day finds rest, I can too. I plan on stepping back to "take time to replenish my spirit and serve others from the overflow-not from an empty vessel." BUT, I cannot do so without the help of the Divine Creator who is present even in troubled times of uncertainty. 

NOT busyness but a slowdown spirit is needed because Life itself is fragile and uncertain (CV). I shall take time to rest in the Spirit, find my way through uncertainty, and with hope, continue the spiritual journey with "pause-itivity". Below is a quick skinny poem with recent photos that made me ponder more.

pause-itivity moments

pause-itivity moments
©CVarsalona, 2024


As the host of August's Spiritual Journey, I offer the prompt Pause to Reflect. Perhaps, this prompt will stir thoughts on your own one word or other sacred pauses in your life.     - Please log in with Mr. Linky below.


  1. Here's my post:

    Thanks for hosting!

    1. Thanks for posting even though you have jet lag, Ruth. I was always nervous before the start of the school and remembered that my reading specialist team all shared the same feelings. It is the spirit of camaraderie that is important when there are issues to deal with.

  2. Hi Carol: Thanks for hosting and for your thoughts and lovely poems about pausing. Wishing you energy for those grandbaby visits!

    1. Karen, thanks for your comment. I have the second Grandma sitting event with all 3 little grandgirls tomorrow so thank you for the energy I will need.

  3. Thanks for hosting our spiritual posts today. I enjoyed thinking about pause, especially as I enter a new school year. I will need moments of pause and time to replenish to be ready to give my best to my students this year. Your support and guidance is appreciated.

    1. Margaret, I was delighted to host this month. It gave me time to pause and research my one word again. Pause is a word that has multiple meanings. I think a reminder to pause and have time to replenish our energy is sound advice. May you feel renewed by your students' talents.

  4. Carol, thanks for hosting this month. There is something about a beautiful sunset that causes us to pause and reflect. I like that you mention a "positive attitude". I think that this is a major key to our well-being. Our mind does have control over our body and our attitude and outlook can and does affect our healing capabilities. Bob

    1. Bob, positivity and pause-itivity are two words that I will concentrate on this week. I think being ill for so long has tainted my outlook. I am not able to heal to the degree I want but after the PT evaluation, I realize it is important to slow-down and take small steps forward with God on my side. Thanks for your blog post. Enjoy the dog days of August.

  5. I love this post. Sunsets and sunrises are important in my pause practice. It is where I find the Divine Creator.

    1. Jone, we are filled with the Spirit of the Lord in the sacred pause. Let's continue to share those moments.

  6. Carol, I'm glad that you're on the mend and hope that you'll embrace the slowdown spirit as you walk the path to recovery. I know what it's like to watch three, although mine are grandboys and not grandgirls. I had all three by myself today since my husband was home with Covid. I absolutely adore your image poem and the way you wrote nightsky as one word! Nothing beats the peace, quiet, and wonder of a sleeping child. Precious picture!

    1. Ramona, we returned home after a week of happiness at the Cape May Beach. It was a family and extended family vaca. We even saw some amazing sunsets and rainstorms. It was a restful time watching the surf throw its mighty flow back and forth. And so I start a new week with hope in my heart.

  7. Hi, It's Patricia -- My post will go live Friday a.m. It's doing double duty as my Poetry Friday post this week, too. Carol, thank you for your Pause prompt. I've been on pause for the past 2 weeks, revelling in the joy of our son's wedding. Your line in your poem is a reminder: Earth finds rest -- so must we all! I have enjoyed resting in the love of our son and daughter-in-law, and in all of our family and friends who have helped us celebrate. I am re-energized in Spirit!

    1. Patricia, we are home from our family and extended family trip to the Cape May Jersey beach. It was a good time to pause and soak in some sunrays and rainstorm drops. I feel your joy so thanks for the lovely photo of the cathedral forest photo. I am going slow this week. You know how it is after a trip away. There is always so much to do so I will move through my to do list with tiny steps to feel the presence of peace.

  8. Carol, I am always inspired and in awe of your spiritual strength. I love your repetition of the word "seeking." Yes, to pause and always be seeking to soak up those precious moments with family and nature. Thank you for your invitation to participate in the pause!

    1. Kiesha, I hope you are resting in the pause before school begins. Thank you for sharing your thoughts this month. May your summer days that are left before the hustle and bustle of school starts be blessed ones. Since we just came home from our Cape May Beach family vacation, I need to remember the pause is a sacred space for peace.
