Friday, September 20, 2024

Feeling Septemberish

This year September is an interesting in-between-seasons month filled with sunshine, gray clouds, warm breezes, and swooshing rains. Poet, David Henry Thoreau noted, "Happily we bask in this warm September sun, which illuminates all creatures." Another 19th Century author, Rowland E. Robinson wrote, "September days have the warmth of summer in their briefer hours but in their lengthening evening a prophetic breath of autumn." Skip to the 21st Century poet, Raquel Franco who adds her thoughts to welcome the start of Fall: "And then the sun took a step back, the leaves lulled themselves to sleep, and autumn awakened."

Writers appreciate Nature's touch on Earth. Poets bring a sensory aspect to changing seasons along with poetic glee. "There is a time in late September when the leaves are still green, and the days are still warm, but somehow you know that it is all about to end as if summer was holding its breath, and when it let it out again, it would be autumn." -Sharyn McCrumb

It's time to celebrate the transitional month of September as Lady Autumn confidently and glamorously sweeps the runway dressed in seasonal colors.

"By all these lovely tokens September days are here. With Summer's best of weather and Autumn's best of cheer." -Helen Hunt Jackson

September Memories

back-to-school days
jump rope in the schoolyard
bees circling and sunshine ablaze
friendly play and nature walks
mark the beginning of September
ending with new seasonal thoughts
cinnamon spice and pumpkin pie
I reminisce and remember
draft, @CVarsalona, 2024

I think you can see that I am enjoying feeling Septemberish.
What are your thoughts on September,
the transitional, in-between-seasons month?
Linda Baie is hosting the Poetry Friday Roundup this week at her delightful blog, TeacherDance. Linda is watching the clock as she says her goodbyes "to another beloved season of sunshine and lazy days and vacations" while waiting for Autumn to come along with her crunchy leaves.


  1. Septemberish is a wonderful word! I love the drier air and high, blue skies. I know my friends the trees are starting to change and I try to get out to see them in person every day--which is tough as this time of year is busy-busy for educators.

    1. Linda, I am waiting for the dramatic change when fall officially comes to Northern VA. Let me know if you have any time for leaf peeping with me.

  2. Thank you, Carol for all the awesome quotes, like Raquel Franco's:"And then the sun took a step back", and then your loving poem with "cinnamon spice and pumpkin pie". It's my younger granddaughter's favorite dessert, even has it for her own "birthday cake"! Happy weekend!

    1. Linda, thanks for you comments. Pumpkin pie is a favorite of mine. My Mom and I used to take our pumpkins and pie pumpkins and roasted and mashed them in order to make homemade pumpkin pie. I still do this during the autumn season. Time to enjoy the sunshine!

  3. Carol, perfect post for this breezy autumn day! After reading your post, I am happily Septemberful. : )

    1. Tracey, enjoy being Septemberful. I am going to start decorating my front entrance this weekend since I am in the mood to bring on Autumn. We even bought two gorgeous pumpkins.

  4. Love "Septemberish" too!! Thanks for all the wonderful quotes and your poems -- love reflecting on summer's end and the coming season.

  5. The leafed carpets are definitely multiplying here! Thanks for all the September memories.

  6. I'm enjoying feeling Septemberish, too, Carol. :) Both of your poems capture the feeling and I also love the Raquel Franco quote.

    1. Thanks for feeling Septemberish with me, Karen. Today was a beautiful September day. I hope to go apple picking with my family and little grandgirls this weekend if it does not rain on Sunday.

  7. Septemberish--love it. Such a busy time of year and I miss the warmth and less scheduled summer. Did you know Sharyn McCrumb is also from Virginia?

  8. I'm languishing in your poetic nods to this lovely month, Carol. I love that September is not summer but not fall -- yet. A taste of both, refusing to be nailed down, indulgent as she spins the weather to match her mood.

  9. "bees circling and sunshine ablaze" -- wow, that line completely puts me back in my childhood, Carol. That Florida sun, the sound of bees all around...It's amazing how one line can do that!

  10. I recently saw this quote that I love: “All the months are crude experiments, out of which the perfect September is made.” --Virginia Woolf I agree!
