Friday, September 6, 2024

Nostalgic Thoughts

Educators are in back-to-school mode, so providing students with a fresh perspective on the curriculum is important. My back-to-school thoughts are ignited by a conversation with my granddaughters. 

How was the beginning of school, Sierra (2nd grader)? What did you learn? 

             Obviously, I learned, Grandma! 

                   Then, I turned to Aurora our PreK student. What did you learn at school?

                       I don't know!

To step into the back-to-school mood, I blended mathematics with simple poetic formats to bring back the wonders of summer. I chose the Fiib poem format which has a syllable count following the Fibonacci series (1,1,2,3,5,8,13...)

Nostalgic Thoughts
in toes
remnants of
sand-blown, childhood days
whirling in fabulous, sun-baked
shorelines, swishing alongside
a school of baby fish
©Carol Varsalona, 2024

Then, I found a lovely quote from a Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis poem that provided a title. You can read the rest of her poem here.

Nostalgia - that's the Autumn
Dreaming through September
Just a million lovely things
I always will remember.

There are many other simple formats for students to remember their summer memories. There is a haiku below.

Happily, we bask in this warm September sun, which illuminates all creatures.
-Henry David Thoreau

For more poetic formats for students, please peruse the new book, Picture Perfect Poetry, An Anthology of Ekphrastic Nature Poetry for Students designed by Carol Labuzzetta. You can see my book review here

Carol Labuzzetta, editor self-publisher, poet

I turn to the Poetry Friday Roundup hosted by a fabulous author, poet, and nature lover, Buffy Silverman.


  1. Oh, those kiddos. They love learning so much they don't even remember when it's "official." What lucky grandgirls to be able to chat about their days with you. I'm happy to know they will tuck these memories away for a long into the future someday when they could be a Nona too! Thanks for the fib poem...that sand is always summer to me.

  2. Maybe instead of asking your grands what they learned, you could ask them to look into their imaginations and take a "snapshot" of something from their day, then describe it to you. In that way, they'll be a lot like you, taking a photo (or "photo") and embellishing it with words!

    1. Mary Lee, you gifted me with your suggestion. I will definitely try the tip with the little grands.

  3. I love Mary Lee's suggestion! And the image of sand tucked in toes is fabulous--takes me right to those sun-baked days.

    1. Buffy, I also agree that Mary Lee's suggestion is one for me to try with the little grands. Tucking toes within the sand is a pleasurable must when at the beach.

  4. What a wonderful transition from summer to autumn with these beautiful poetic selections, Carol!

    1. Thank you, Tracey. Summer is a wonderful season to play in nature (when the weather is not 100 degrees). Enjoy your memories of summer!

  5. Hi Carol, I love that you made that connection from your grands to the "a school of baby fish"! And your Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis' poem, connecting with the haiku memory. It's all of a piece, isn't it, summer swinging by, school starting, grands growing up! Have a lovely Sunday!

    1. Linda, the school of baby fish was seen by all of us at the Cape May soon. It was amazing that they were close to the shoreline. Now I am back to inland Virginia but all of the sights are filled with wonder, Linda.

  6. HA! at the responses you recieved. ;0) Those little ones are lucky to have you in their lives; treasured times for all. Thank you for this perfect segue between seasons, Carol. Beautiful Thoreau quote.

    1. Robyn, we are having another beautiful September day- a little breeze and warm sun. Time between seasons is filled with subtle transistions. Have a wonder September.

  7. Oh my, that sounds like first week conversations with my son! I always ask him what his favourite part of the day was, and a highlight of last week was a tour of the bathrooms at his new school, ha ha! Oh, and the teacher remembered his name, which was apparently very exciting. :)

  8. Lovely snippets of summer, Carol. And you'll have to let us know if Mary Lee's suggestion coaxes more from the grands. :)
