Friday, September 13, 2024

Wholeheartedly Feeling a New Season

Another season will soon be here. A variety of leaves will scatter across sidewalks. Nightsky will turn into an inked mass earlier and I will hear my first crunch-crunch sounds underfoot. Autumn will dramatically enter slowly swooshing through a carpet of leaves. With a wholehearted spirit, Lady Autumn will bring the brilliance of Fall.

a season unfolds
offering a new pathway
life is a gift
©Carol Varsalona, 2024

Photo from Pixabay

I look forward to Autumn's debut and the opportunity to offer a new perspective on life. Her rich colors, cooling breezes, and longer nights remind me to pause and breathe in the fragrant essence of fall's scents, such as cinnamon, pumpkin spice, and crackling bonfires. Beauty is not the only side of Fall. Autumn also has a spiritual side to her.

Autumn walks a pathway of reflection and growth. As Ecclesiastes 3:1 states, "For everything, there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven." I honor nature's graceful embrace as the cycle of renewal soon begins. With wholehearted commitment, I look forward to linger and notice each glorious moment of the upcoming season. 

Please see yesterday's blog post,  Wholehearted Spiritual Journey. Today's blog post offers a follow-up connection.

©Carol Varsalona


Thank you to Heidi Mordhorst, the amazing educator and poet, for hosting today's Poetry Friday. Please join me as I link up with the Poetry Friday Roundup at Heidi's blog site, my juicy universe.


  1. Carol, we should all celebrate the season by dressing in gowns of leaves, dancing under a "Nightsky [turned] into an inked mass"! What a lovely introduction you wrote. I'm ready for the change of seasons too, wholeheartedly (although I never like to watch my tan fade!) Thanks for your compliments.

    1. Heidi, I am in agreement with you on tans. It is sad to wish the tan goodby. When I was living in Long Island, one of the garden center had a mannequin dressed in a gorgeous pine fir gown during the Christmas season. I think the leaf dress is very stylish. Thanks for the comment.

  2. I love what others have written that show their "wholehearted" enthusiasm and love, Carol, including yours. Autumn brings such warm feelings in us all! Wishing you a weekend with time to "linger to notice"!

    1. Linda, I will have plenty of time to linger to notice now that I have COVID. It was an unexpected surprise but I have only a mild case. The news did spoil my weekend with the little girls. Have a wonderful weekend.

  3. ooooh, a dress of golden autumn leaves--so gorgeous! You are so wholehearted. Thank you for sharing this beautiful post.

    1. Linda, I searched for that free photo. I think she makes a wonderful Lady Autumn. I am soaking up the benefits of Ruth's one word, wholehearted.

  4. Carol, I love the voice you have given Lady Autumn, swooshing in bringing her beauty and asking us to pause and wholeheartedly take notice!

    1. Lady Autumn opened the door to sunshine today and I shall take advantage of it. Patricia, thank you for commenting. I cherish thoughts from friends and there commitment to wholehearted living. Enjoy your day. May it be blessed as we await Lady Autumn's arrival.

  5. Your posts are always full of heart, Carol, so I'm not surprised that you offered this one wholeheartedly. Thank you.

    1. Rose, thank you for your sweet comment. It will start my day off with delight. (An aside: every time I see one of your comments, I think of the last time I saw you and Lynn at NCTE. It was fun meeting up with you back in 2019. Maybe one day we will connect face to face again.)

  6. Thank you for this beautiful moment of reflection. I welcome Lady Autumn with open arms!

    1. It is good to know that you are also a lover of Autumn. Thanks for joining me here. Have a wonderful Sunday.

  7. Replies
    1. Grace is a comforting friend, Marcie. May this beautiful, sunshiny day bring you peace.

  8. Life IS a gift! And you are the Queen of Seasons, Carol. Thank you! xo

    1. Irene, I thank you for the seasonal compliment. Enjoy Lady Autumn's debut.

  9. Such a great reminder to approach all of life with a wholehearted attitude.

    1. Mary Lee, Ruth Ayres gave me a new outlook on life with her one word wholeheart.

  10. So lovely! I especially love, "Autumn rewards those who linger to notice."

    1. Karen, thank you for joining me. The sky is gray this morning - a pause before Autumn walks down the runway.
