Lately, I have been looking at springtime through a different lens as I prepare the process of designing a spring gallery of artistic expressions. Stroll with me to view nature's artistic landscape from Long Island to Virginia and back again. I am always amazed at how even a grey day (and we have had many on Long Island this spring) can be filled with new insights if I have the patience to quietly look at life in a different way.
Inside a lush Long Island garden center, springtime speaks in colors that inspire, even when the world outside is filled with rain and grey skies.
Atlantic Nursery, Long Island
Bringing springtime florals inside allows for a colorful palette to brighten the decor.
On sunshiny days, outdoor nature walks are filled with wonder.
When in Virginia, the family visited the Meadowlarks Botanical Garden and were surprised to see an imaginative children's space tucked away among the greenery.
©CV, 2018
Nature has a peaceful effect on well-being.
The pair of ducks illustrates how a gentle pace of movement in life is beneficial to all.
©CV, 2018, Vienna, Virginia
Returning back to Long Island, I caught another peaceful scene when my husband and I traveled to Northport for our theater night.
©CV, 2018, Northport Harbor
©CV, 2018, Northport Harbor
Standing on the pier and gazing out across the bay brought instant serenity and time for reflection. In all of the sightings above, the world stood still as I gazed through the lens of my iPhone camera. On each of those days, I better understood Ralph Waldo Emerson's quote: "
"Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience."
With patience, I transformed nature photos into contemplative images through the painterly process in which I digitized the original photographs for my upcoming gallery, Sense-sational Spring.

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