Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Turning 40

While I like to think that I can turn back the clock to 40, I have to leave that thought for another day.  Today, I am celebrating my son's very happy birthday.  

It was 40 years ago when our first child unexpectedly slipped into the world with an immense challenge. My husband and I named him Derek, the people's ruler.  As an affable striver, my son overcame many odds thrown his way.  Holding tightly to his dreams, he sought to find his place in society but life is not an easy road to walk when you are disabled.  Because of his fortitude, Derek always used his talents to make his mark.  Yearly gold medals in swimming at the Games for the Physically Challenged led him to donate his time and strength to raising funds for special education while dreaming of a college degree. Despite the odds, Derek graduated from community college and continued onward to become a proud Hofstra University graduate.  Advocating for himself, Derek sought every option to succeed in learning with the constant support from family,  counselors, and teachers.  

While his road of life has been strewn with rocky patches, Derek, as the champion, continues to strive to move forward on his journey.  Today, as a disabled young man, he finds solace in writing.  Feeling the pangs of isolation during Quarantine Life, Derek decided to try his hand at podcasting.   Below is his introductory video that we created.  With the heart of an advocate for disability rights and a voice to soar into the world, Derek is an example of what can be accomplished.  May doors be opened for him and all those striving to BECOME. 

I celebrate Derek's forty years of life today with a cherita poem, a linked poetry form of one-, two-, and three-line stanzas that tells a story.  So with hopes that today is one of those days in which a new corner is turned on the road to life, I wish Derek a very happy birthday and

a life of reaching for the stars.

Sending my slice of life into the universe of writing at Two Writing Teachers...


  1. Thank you for joining me on this special occasion. My son is here reading this post. We are excited that you responded so quickly.

  2. Great way to celebrate a special person. Happy Birthday, Derek. Congrats on your many accomplishments and those that you will yet achieve.

    1. Thank you so much for wishing Derek happiness. It is so wonderful to have long-distant writing friends who support each other in life.

  3. Replies
    1. I like your comment to me, Derek. I am so glad that you enjoyed my blog. We had such a wonderful 40th birthday and I am so glad we found a great ice cream parlor with homemade ice cream after our outside luncheon on the canal. It was a yummy day.

  4. Happy Birthday, Derek! Palju õnne sünnipäevaks! Such an inspiring story. I wish him continuous resilience to achieve his vision for making a difference in the lives of others.

    1. Terje, how wonderful is it that you sent Derek an Estonian birthday shoutout! Thanks for the added benefit of wishing Derek continued resilience. It is such a strong word that does play a huge part in his life.

  5. Happy birthday Derek!! You are truly a model for those living with disabilities. Enjoy and celebrate all that you have accomplished

    1. Thank you to Unknown for good wishes and a touching response. I wish I knew who is behind the Unknown name.

  6. Carol - I have tears in my eyes from reading this beautiful celebration post. Derek has accomplished so much - he's an amazing inspiration. I am awed that he keeps "reaching for the stars" and am reminded that the only limits we have are the ones we place on ourselves. I am so moved to know that he finds solace in writing - I understand that so well. There's such strength and healing of the spirit in it. Happy Birthday, Derek - I rejoice for all of you! Thank you, Carol, for sharing his story, his milestone, and your heart in your usual extraordinary way.

    1. Fran, thank you for your beautiful response. Derek has such depth of feelings that I am so happy he has received so many uplifting comments like yours. And what is better than having a son who writes everyday through various mediums with different lenses: political, fictional, podcasting!

  7. It's nice to see you in a new place! And happy birthday to your son! It sounds as though you have parented him so very well.

    1. Thanks for the birthday wishes for Derek, Ruth, and for the lovely comment about parenting skills. Derek is a remarkable young man so we were so happy that he thoroughly enjoyed his day.

  8. Carol,
    Thank you for sharing Derek’s birthday w/ us. His resilience and your mom story and guidance offer us a gift today. I found reading about Derek cathartic and inspirational.

    1. Glenda, thank you for your lovely comment. We had such a wonderful birthday day that ended with a video birthday call from my daughter, son-in-law, and little granddaughters, followed with a viewing of the original Planet of the Apes.

  9. Way to go, Derek! I can’t believe how far you’ve come. I love hearing about your passion for helping others. Inspirational!!!
