Friday, October 11, 2024

Connecting With Nature

Autumn holds a wonder all its own.  - Laura Jaworski

Digitized Photo 

Autumn days slowly transition into eye-catching, picturesque scenes of color. Each day I enjoy discovering fall's beauty in ordinary and extraordinary places. While researching the topic of self-care, I found connecting with nature has positive effects on emotional well-being. Trail walks, apple picking, and other outdoor activities helped reduce stress and anxiety during my recuperation timeThe warmth of a September or October day allows me to breathe in fresh air, reflect upon the earth's beauty, and relax. 

For years, my family has picked apples. Recently, we traveled through the countryside on the way to the apple orchard. Remembering years past I looked for trees with a tinge of color. Once we arrived at Stribling Orchard, we found a bountiful apple tree. My little grandgirls arrived before us so their bag of apples was bountiful. The fresh country air and the sweet-tasting red apples made our faces smile.


September day
sun radiates
family gathers together at the orchard
excitement begins with the first pick
baby smiles
munches apples
Autumn delight
 @CVarsalona, 2024


As I search for the best place for vivid fall foliage in Virginia and West Virginia. I reflect on last year's parade of trees. They were dressed in Autumn finery. 


Height of Fall Fashion

fall's fashion
debuts soon
with a kaleidoscope of color
some autumn trees are fashionably late 
Autumn's parade
is a
must-see event
 @CVarsalona, 2024


The Jama Rattigan is hosting Poetry Friday on her blog, Jama's Alphabet Soup. Her post will make you hungry because she is writing about doughnuts.


  1. Hello Carol. Appreciations for these vivid outdoor images & the tasty orchard excursion. I can imagine how sweet it was to be with the grandgirls & find their apple bounty. And watching tiny chomp? Such a sublime time. Much more autumn joy wished for you.

    1. Jan, thank you for virtually visiting my blog. My family has a love for apples so it is good to watch the next generation enjoy the outdoor activity. I hope lthey remember the event so when they are older, they will be able to tell their stories.

  2. How lovely that you had the pleasure of apple-picking with those grandgirls, Carol! Our Autumn splendor is "fashionably late", too. Summer is hanging on! Wishing you continuing to be better every day!

    1. Linda, I always love engaging with the little grandgirls in outdoor, seasonal activities. This weekend is supposed to be one of those fall-like ones so we hope to go leaf peeking in the country. I look forward to see how fall appears in Denver. Have a wonderful birthday weekend. I send you many wishes.

  3. Thanks for the autumn splendor. Love hearing about the apple picking! Lovely photos too!!

    1. Jama, thanks for hosting PF today and for your lovely comments on my post. I am ready to take more photos this weekend. Hopefully, we will go leaf peeping in the countryside.

  4. Carol, I truly love the swirl-effect in your first picture! Is that a photo or painting? Either way, very cool! I enjoyed your embrace of fall. Your first poem made me want to go apple picking right now!

    1. Tracey, the first image started as a photograph. Then, I played with my digital tools to transform the scene into a painting=> becoming digital art. Have you ever traveled to Kingston, NY? There is a great apple orchard there and we used to go from the orchard to Mohonk Mountain House for high tea and dinner.

  5. This post and your poem bring forth all the pleasures of fall, Carol. So lovely.

    1. Karen, We both wrote our blogs to the prompt, autumn..I enjoy others building their writing around nature and poetry.

  6. Such a gift to live in a place that drips color! And to share it with your family --bonus! Thanks for giving us a glimpse. I love the idea that autumn can be fashionably late :)

    1. Patricia, thanks for joining me here. We traveled to Harper's Ferry today with the little grandgirls had a wonderful time. Even though the leaf foliage was not at its peak, we loved the town, the history, and the food. We are now planning our next excursion to see the colorful leaves.

  7. I love the thought of autumn parading with leaves. Self care is vital and nature is a really be part of it for me.

    1. Jone, we went on an excursion to Harpers Ferry (WV) and had a wonderful day of sun, warmth, and history.

  8. I love the idea of fall fashion in your poem. The trees really do seem to put on their finery. I also love, 'make our faces smile.' I was recently listening to Hoda Kotb's podcast, ' Making Space,' and Arthur C. Brooks was speaking about his latest book on happiness (the serious research of it) and he had so many good tips about smiling and how it changes our thinking--even if we have to first smile to feel happy. What a delight that being outside is such a mood boost for you--and me!

    1. Being in nature was such a wonderful experience with my little grandgirls today. Harper's Ferry was filled with tourists. We enjoyed the good weather and history. My 7 year-old grand read all the placards with information about each place we viewed and that made me sigh- she is such a great reader. I will be on the lookout for more leaf turning areas to explore.

  9. Apple-picking sounds sweet and crunchy, juicy-delicious! Lovely poetry - but I think my fave has to be your trinet with its kaleidoscope of colour and fashionably late. Wonderful!

    1. Kat, it is great to chat with you from one continent to the next. Our excursion today to see fall in a new locale was delightful even though the colors were not fully apparent.

  10. Love it! When my kids were little, we picked apples every year. We haven't done that since moving to NOVA.

    1. Marcie, today was such a fund day as we traveled through the country side to Harper's Ferry. Enjoy the good weather tomorrow.
