Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Labor of Love

Have you ever stared at your laundry loads and knew it would keep coming? I am trying to find the humor in this chore. After my little grandgirl's visits, dirty socks and other clothes lurk in corners. Also, my husband's and son's laundry baskets are always full so I need to find some humor in daily chores.  

Take a peek at my laundry room when it is quiet. Then, read the trinet poem I created to bring humor to this rainy, damp day.

 Staring at Dirty Laundry

dirty laundry
daily quandary
a challenge when cleaning soiled deposits
that's why I have several products 
muddy socks
need soapbox
neverending chore
 @CVarsalona, 2024


Let's remember that laundry is the real Neverending Story!

Above is a Getty Image of a 1950s woman doing her laundry. 
See more here.


I hope you enjoy my Slice of Life that I am sending to the Two Writing Teachers world community of writers.


  1. Carol, it seems that the laundry basket is never ending. I believe that as soon as you put two items in it they start multiplying. Then there are those products. One for pre-soaking. One for stubborn stains. One for whitening. One for softening,
    Love the picture. Although it is not the same one, I remember my grandmother and her wringer washer. Every Monday was laundry day at her house. I could do a whole post on that. Bob

  2. Your poem is right on target. So many products. Many articles of clothing that need special attention, like not throwing them in the dryer. My grandmother had a similar wringer washer. My sister and I liked to play with it, but had to be careful not to smush our fingers in the wringer.

  3. I love everything about this, from the trinet with its "dirty laundry/daily quandary" to the accompanying artwork and anecdote capturing the dirty detritus of your "grandgirl." Laundry is one of the few things I can control, so I actually find it soothing. My husband even takes photographs of laundry drying on the line in summer. There's something soothing about the routine for me—I did not always feel that way, trust me!

  4. The tech has made doing laundry so easy. I still have memories of laundry days in the past when the rinsing and wringing was done by hand. I don't think I have read laundry poetry before.
