Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Thoughts on a Birthday Celebration

Every year, everyone has a birthday that arrives. This day, March 25th, is my husband's birthday. It happens to be one of those months that fluctuates with a variety of weather trends. Howling winds, chilly night, and springlike temperatures arrived. Even thought the birthday comes at a difficult time in our lives, we will celebrate because there is always room for cake, candles, and happiness on this special day.

I have a special wish this year. Let there be a pause from the medical issues. Emily Dickinson reminds me that aging is not a negative. 

"We turn not older with years, but newer every day."

Time to Pause and Celebrate

years pass
life broadens
memories are etched in our hearts
while love grows like blossoming flowers
harvesting hope
renewing faith
persevering onward
©CVarsalona, March 2025

Today is Day 25  of the March SOLSC#SOL25.
Thank you Two Writing Teachers for the space to write 
with a reflective, worldwide group of educators.

Writer's Note:
This is the first trinet poem that I have written. There are 7 lines in the format. Lines three and four have six words in each line. All other lines have 2 words per line.


  1. Being able to celebrate and find moments of happy during challenging times is the ultimate way to live life fully and build resilience. Happy Birthday to your husband!

  2. Happy birthday to Richard! What a great photo! Yes, let today be a pause from medical issues just to celebrate the gifts of life and love. The trinet is beautiful, Carol, with its messages of renewal and faith. I have to say it looks to me like a cross - the greatest reminder of overcoming.

  3. I love the Emily Dickenson quote you included here and your mindset on birthday's being the perfect opportunity to shift focus, even for a short time.

  4. Your poem and the careful way you constructed this slice show your love. I hope the day brings you both much happiness and a welcome pause.

  5. Happy birthday to your husband! May you both get some respite from the medical issues and surprises, and feel the promise of spring.

  6. Carol, happy birthday to your husband. I have a dear friend who is also celebrating a birthday today. For this day may all your thoughts be on joy and love you two share. May it be a day of family and laughter. Bob

  7. Carol,
    Happy Birthday to your man. I hope today is joyful for you both. I love the ED poem. “Pause” is my OLW this year. And thanks for sharing a new poem form. Love it.?

  8. I hope your wish comes true. Thank you for sharing a poetic form that is new to me.

  9. Happy birthday, Richard! I hope you've had a day to celebrate and eat cake and not worry at all. Your trinet is rich. I love all the two word phrases, powerful. My favorite is "harvesting hope" That's my prayer for you and Richard.

  10. I am sorry your husband is hving health issues, but happiest of birthdays to him. This poem form is a new one for me!

  11. So good to be able to celebrate even in the midst of stress.

  12. I love these lines: "years pass/life broadens" (as well as the Emily Dickinson quote), and "there is always room for cake, candles, and happiness". Yes!
