"Pausing is a gift," as thoughtfully said by Jackie Yun, a tweeter, who responded to one of my thoughts this morning on #spiritchat. Pausing is an investment in living that provides time to search for stillness and capture thoughts that will be tucked away and savored. We often live one task after another, with calendars becoming the schedulers of life. What would happen if we paused each day to look inward to find balance? This morning before the twitter chats and yoga practice, I took the opportunity to pause and turn my attention to finding an inspiring quote to chart my day. When Kumud Ajami, one of the "spiritchat" moderators, posted a link to a Ted Talk with Pico Iyer, I took the opportunity to listen to this speaker. I was well rewarded and like a squirrel gathering her nuts, I collected two nuggets for reflection:
"Movement is only as good as the sense of stillness that you can bring to it, to put it into perspective."
"It is only by stopping movement that you can see where to go."

I pondered those thoughts, linking them to my one little word for 2014, openness. Then, in the stillness of the room, I paused to write. As I looked inside at a journey I created, movement intersected reflection. Doors opened and insight walked through, clothed in stillness.
January is coming to a close but my attempt to be resolute in spirit will not. Stopping the shifting tasks to savor the moment will be my next step and pausing will be my guide as I find stillness within. Will I succeed? As we say in yoga, it is yoga practice, not yoga perfect. My goal is not perfection so if I forget to pause, I have my family to remind me.
May your end of January days lead you on a journey to pause and savor the moment.
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