Have you ever had a strange dream that made you wish you had a pen and paper to record it?
The mind can be a strange playground!
wandering in the darkness of sleep,
moving silently through unwalked corridors,
holding court with people never met,
engaging in unknown happenings-
The mind can be a strange playground!
bringing waking to a startled moment,
a wrestled, unfinished, lingering thought,
opening daylight with uncharted waters,
that float in the midst of unfinished business.
The mind can be a strange playground!
©CVarsalona, 2017
Thank you to two colleagues who set the stage for this flight of the mind poem that really was lurking in the clutches of a recent dream. Kevin Hodgson's response, "The mind can be a strange playground," to Fran Haley's slice, Song of Invisibility, set my mind thinking. While not remembering all the details of a dream (probably set off by my post, Whoosh), I quickly wrote back to Fran and Kevin.
After my frustrating experience with computer glitches and my vanishing work, I tried to fall asleep. Yoga breathing was one of my remedies but it took a long time to enter dreamland that was filled with all sorts of weird happenings. I wake rested but am trying to remember bits and pieces of what transpired.

From this crazy experience, a Wonder Bundle Learning Experience on dreams evolved. That ELA lesson plan for 5th grade, using Wonderopolis' Wonder of the Day, #988, Have You Ever Had Crazy Dreams?, is found at the Wonder Ground.
It is time for this week's Poetry Friday. Buffy Silverman is hosting at Buffy's Blog.
It is time for this week's Poetry Friday. Buffy Silverman is hosting at Buffy's Blog.
SPECIAL NOTE: I am collecting poetry for my spring gallery, Springsations, this weekend. Please send in your offering if you have not done so yet. Come celebrate springtime with me.
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