What happens when you hand the reins
of an educational chat over to a group of student moderators?
Student voice surges
the hashtag, #KidsCANteachus, becomes, a reality.
Last Night:
An amazing event occurred last night on Twitter. It was a first of its kind for #NYEDChat, the voice of New York State educators and beyond. Six student moderators, @CurranCentral, @thelivebits, and #BowTieBoys: Joe O'Such, Spencer Hill, Doug Unger, and Ryan Hur led a group of educators, parents, and students in a spirited conversation about #StuVoice. (Our seventh moderator, Sam Fremin, was detained due to an unexpected soccer practice but he was actively involved as the leader from the #BowTieBoys.) While I oversaw the process, I clearly noticed early on that the students needed no prompting during the chat. Their voices were strong, clear, and they efficiently maneuvered the ins and outs of a very fast-paced convo that trended early on Twitter (#40 on Trend USA Now).
Prior to the night's outstanding, epic event, Curran from #DigCitKids, Liv from #thelivbits, and Sam from the #BowTieBoys spent time preparing for the Twitter conversation via the Google Docs I set up for them. Each wrote 2 questions for participants' responses. Back-up support was offered by the moms, Marialice BFX Curran and Cynthia Merrill. Buncee provided the digital online tool to create the flyer and Participate, an active #NYEDChat partner, let us know that its online service would archive the chat and resources at the end of the convo.
Q1 Why is it so important to honor student voice? #StuVoice #NYEDChat
Q2 What role does establishing #StuVoice play in building positive rapport with students? #NYEDChat
Q3 How do you foster a classroom environment that encourages #StuVoice? #NYEDChat
Q4 How do #StuVoice opportunities connect and empower students to develop empathy for causes & movements outside of their comfort zone? #NYEDChat
Q5 What role do parents play in monitoring and empowering their child’s #StuVoice? #NYEDChat
Reflaction (Reflection with Action) What can you do this week to promote more effective #StuVoice in classrooms, schools, or on social media? #NYEDChat
Mother & son #digcit story at
Spencer Hill A1- Honoring student voice is one of the most crucial things
in the classroom bc, in the end, Ss choose what they want to learn #NYEDChat

We need active classrooms guided by teachers who empower students.-Carol Varsalona


My goal is to promote student voice and digital
citizenship for kids, by kids. -Marialice BFX Curran
Thank Yous:

My goal is to promote student voice and digital
citizenship for kids, by kids. -Marialice BFX Curran
Thank Yous:
At the start of the chat, Doug Unger said "Make sure to join in tonight's #NYEDChat. You won't be disappointed." He was right so I thank everyone who joined in the conversation last night. We amplified #StuVoice and trended early signifying that #KidsCANteachus!
This post is the 21st in the series titled March Musings for Two Writing Teacher's March Slice of Life Story Challenge.
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