Halloween magic is afoot in my neighborhood today but it was building all week in my town. Front lawns were transformed into graveyards, pumpkin patches, and monster fests. As I changed over my home's decorations from a harvest decor to a eerie, spooky one, I joined in the Halloween fun from inside out.
Halloween has always been a day of joyous celebration in my hometown, Rockville Centre. Ragamuffin parades, costume parties, and cupcakes marked the years when my own children went trick or treating. Then, there were the days when I had my own classroom and I spent weeks designing a Harvest House for a schoolwide read-in. There were invitations to create, decorations to hang, books to gather for a themed library, and learning activities. The school would buzz with anticipation, just like my neighborhood did over the years. The little reading room at the bottom of the stairs became the headquarters for a bona fide read-athon that lasted two weeks.
Fast forward to 2015 when I no longer have a classroom but still have the spirit of Halloween giving. This week, I wrote poetry for Halloween, blogged about Halloween, planned a Halloween dinner, and entertained guests. All this occurred right up to Friday night.
On Halloween, my family and I greeted many little princesses and a variety of other characters. A spirit of positivity and fun filled the Indian Summer day that felt more like September than the end of October. All sorts of characters from babies to high school students passed by my door this afternoon. Even some parents came to pick up the little trick or tweet goodie bags when their children were shy. Groups came in crowds of fourteen to fifteen deep. Each time a youngster visited my door, the electronic pumpkin candy bag lit up. My family and I laughed with delight when the trick or treaters' eyes became wide with excitement.
There was the same spirit of bonding and happiness today as I remembered back on October 31, 2013, one year after Superstorm Sandy devastated Long Island. On both Halloweens, families walked the streets celebrating the merriment and joy of trick or treating. Costumes were varied and each child brought to life the character they represented. But today, I noticed something special. Politeness was encouraged and trick or treat thanks expressed. Families were choosing KIND. I witnessed a rare happening. Family connectedness was evident, friendships valued, and the pleasure of an Indian Summer Halloween afternoon enjoyed.
Halloween magic floated through the air this week leading me to celebrate the spirit of Halloween fun. I do so to remind myself and others that family bonding is so important. Special events bring families and friends together to celebrate what is good in life. As time moves on or should I say back, I will remember this week as one that brought families together.
From my neighborhood to yours, I wish you Halloween greetings and many special moments to enjoy as a family unit.

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