We can be messengers
of positivity, negativity, or indifference.
It is our choice how
to live life.
school, a common mantra is I
choose kind. My mantra is I choose positivity. Positivity
becomes my framework for living a full life with
a growth and positive mindset. Belief in wellness of body, mind, spirit is a
common understanding of living this life of abundance. It is not material wealth that fills our days with fullness. It is the quest for balance and serenity in all that we do that drives a positive thinking framework and allows for an abundant lifestyle. Living fully in the moment with family, finding fulfillment at work, and having deep friendships become our solid footing as we walk the journey of life.
With positive thoughts as
my guide, I also choose to be part of personal and professional communities that are filled with people
seeking truth. I look to build and add to other's energies and positivity
vibes. In order to carry through my plans, I listen carefully to the
thoughts from family and connected colleagues. My one little word, listen, has served me
well so far.
Last night as I moderated #NYEDChat with my team,
there was an explosion of ideas about creating our summer bucket lists. The
community of participants became part of a greater message: how to balance
personal and professional life in summertime. We conversed as we crafted our bucket lists. We became messengers of hope, change agents
spreading the word of positivity as dewdrops along the earth. Finding balance in life was our
common denominator.
After reflecting upon the NYEDChat experience, I feel uplifted this morning. It was an exhilarating experience to be part of an hour talk where committed practitioners exchanged viewpoints on finding balance for their professional and personal development. Through our collaborative conversation, we connected with those from within and beyond
New York State; we crossed regions and shared summer plans. We even crossed the seas, bringing in friends from as far away as Dubai and Australia. Through our exchanges, we became provocateurs of thought and connectors of
goals and dreams.
As in any fast-paced Twitter conversation, the tweets fluttered by in
rapid succession. Mid-stream, I noticed that the conversation was trending on
Twitter. Our moderating team applauded the participants who became trendees for the
night but in reality we became more. We became a united body of connected practitioners of positivity. It is not the trending nor the accolades that cemented relationships last night. It is the sincerity of those seeking to build foundations, to join hands with each other, to find balance in a world of complexity, that builds bridges for us to cross.
This morning those connected colleagues from last night's NYEDChat move beyond all of the conversation to wave and smile at each other, knowing that we broadened our reach and strengthened our PLN. We, as messengers of positivity remain friends and wish each other well on the journey of life. Knowing full well that in solidarity we can triumph, it is my hope that all choose to build lifestyles at work and home that promote possibilities. In doing so, we will choose positivity as a guide. Ponder what Rumi said: "You are not just the drop in the ocean.
You are the mighty ocean in the drop."
we can build tomorrows
based on the journeys we walked,
the mistakes we made,
and the hopes that we have
for a life of abundance.
CVarsalona 2015
What message will you deliver today? Will you join the ranks of connected educators as messengers of positivity? Will you seek balance in your life? Please peruse the Hall of EduHero Voices to read the #eduinspirations that will inspire your journey. Click here.

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