The skyscrapers of New
York City remind us to reach. Like those skyscrapers, connected colleagues' voices can rise high. Joined together we can
envision new vistas, see new possibilities, and celebrate positivity.
Each Monday on Twitter, #CelebrateMonday asks us to showcase the positives. To open dialogue on positivity, Dan McCabe and I will lead the #NYEDChat moderators in a conversation with our connected "edufriends" on Monday, May 2, 2016 at 8 pm EST.
NYEDChat Moderators :
Bill Brennan, Victoria Day, Blanca Duarte, Dan McCabe, Lisa Meade, Starr Sackstein, Dennis Schug, Tony Sinanis, Carol Varsalona
Connected Educator Guest Moderators:
Bobby Dodd, Sean Gaillard, Reed Gillespie, Phil Griffin, Neil Gupta, Jon Harper,
Jennifer Hogan, Eoin Lenihan, Craig Vroom, Jennifer Williams
While the above connected educators are Positivity Champions, I recognize that there are so many more I come in contact with on social media who have a growth mindset. On behalf of the NYEDChat team I send out this invitation to join the conversation, Positive People Do More, to all who champion the "positives" across the globe.
NYEDChat, as the voice of New York State educators, reaches beyond our state boundaries to connect with others on timely topics in education. Please join me at #NYEDChat on #CelebrateMonday May 2, 2016 for an epic conversation. The question document below is ready for your perusal.
Ready to rock the Twittersphere as we discuss how to end the year with a strong finish, right up to the #lastbell, as Jennifer Hogan says.
Don't forget to #CelebrateMonday today.
Question to Ponder:
What might you do differently to create a positive environment that celebrates the journey toward success?