November is here.
I continue my quest
full Crayola colors.
Inspired by WONDERlust,
I notice the world and
what nature offers,
from Indian red to maize.
A neighborhood walk
uncovers autumn tints.
Indian Summer's paintbrush
splashed colors overnight.
From Indian red to maize,
in early November nature
offers a world to notice
in bright techno-color.
©CV, 2016, Long Island

November debuts some of autumn's brilliant colors on Long Island
in spots, not the full Crayola range of reds, browns, oranges, and yellows but enough to enjoy the transition.
Time to consider sending in digital inspirations: imagepoems, inspirational quotes, photographs of autumn for my upcoming Autumnventure Gallery. Collecting offerings now!
Join my poet friend and colleague, Laura Purdie Salas, for the Poetry Friday Round-Up at Writing the World for Kids. She and the Poetry Princesses have terza rimas for us to read.
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