What is summer without mini-trips to explore nature? During summer months, families enjoy special times. A walk in the sunflower fields, a ferry trip across the Potamac River, and toes dipping in the sand were some of the wonderful memories of summer 2017 I experienced with my own family. I have captured those and invite you to join me as I create my summer gallery of artistic expression, titled Sunkissed Summer.
“If the sight of the blue skies fills you with joy, if a blade of grass springing up in the field has power to move you, if the simple things in nature have a message you understand, rejoice, for your soul is alive.”
The above quote from 19th Century Italian actress, Eleanor Duse, provides such a positive statement that I decided to use it as a prompt for my thoughts.
If the sun upon flowers in field fills you with joy,
if an oil painting hanging in a museum has power to move you,
if noticing nature lets your heart rejoice,
your mind wonder,
and your thoughts lifted,

that positively affect your relationships.

©CV, 2017

If you visit "Summerscapes", you will find other life living moments.
You can access last summer's global gallery of artistic expressions here.
at "Reflections on The Teche". Sending birthday wishes to her.
Note: The term, "life living" moments, was captured from the following tweet from NCFL, National Center for Families Learning.
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