Sunday, March 1, 2020

March Musings 2020_SOLSC 1

Each year since March 2015, I engage in Two Writing Teacher's Annual Slice of Life Story Challenge. 
Slicing allows me to ponder life, literacy, and learning, capturing small moments poetically
through writing, photography, and digital art. 

The heating system stirs creating a low hum as it warms the house while branches wiggle in the cold wind outside. It is another cold-smacking day on Long Island. Soup is simmering and writing is flowing as I prepare for a professional development session on writing. I flip flop from Google Slides where I am designing my Writer's Studio session to writing this slice. The mundane task of laundry calls to me for a new week of living.

March 1st is here. A new page on the calendar, a fresh start, a month to find time to reflect. I  concentrate on the why of my journey that leads me back to my one word, balance. Being lost in my to-do tasks, I look out the window realizing that hours have passed. I see the dimming of light in the sky. Sunset approaches. Quiet time settles in. I gather ideas and continue writing. Nighttime approaches in its velvet gown. 

With a positive outlook, faith, and hope, I reflect on my commitment statement of January 2, 2020. Determined to ease the stresses created by a busy life, I slow down to dwell in one ordinary moment. I savor it while listening to the clicking of keys as my fingers float across the keyboard. This month is filled with commitments and I welcome them as avenues to explore the future.

Join me this March as I unravel my thoughts, declutter tchotchhkes from past years, and make space within my house and mind. I feel invigorated with the promise of a new month and writing challenge. With eagerness, I come to the computer again to find a little more space to explore.

roars in with
cold-smacking winds
and a parade of swinging birdsA
blue jay and cardinal perch on swaying
brances while a new feral cat darts across the
grass. Two squirrels romp on swaying branches as
sounds of silence reverberate like the wind. Day turns into 
night-a velvet array of darkness lays across the lawn. Stillness
eases in blanketing nature like a freshly-washed quilt that comforts
the bed. The house settles in waiting for the gentle hum of the heater to
bring balance
back into the
©CV, 2020

Day 1 of 31 days of writing March Slice of Life 2020 Story Challenge at Two Writing Teachers


  1. The poem brings the moment into sharp focus... a balance we all seek.

  2. I too did some reflecting for my Slice. You, however, expressed your reflection so eloquently. I was immediately drawn in to your word choice and imagery. I love this Slice. It sounds to me that you have already found BALANCE.

    1. Donnetta, I just finished reading your reflective Slice. I hope that the teachers who are attending my Writer's Studio workshop will be as reflective as the TWT slicers. I believe we become better writers when we dig into our soul to uncover some truths.

  3. Finding that balance is so important. Being pulled in one direction only with no counter balance to bring us back to an even keel can send us spiraling.

  4. A moving image: "Day turns into night-a velvet array of darkness lays across the lawn." I look forward to more, and I draw inspiration from your commitment to the present moment.

    1. Great to connect with you, Paul. I have been pairing photos and poetry for years so I am always looking to create sensory imagery to tell stories. I saw a poem on your blog site and was wondering if it is yours.

  5. Welcome to March. Can’t wait to hear how shaking loose your tchotchke falls onto the page.

  6. Loved seeing your familiar name on here! And this is a lovely piece. I just love the image of the cold-smacking days! We had a thawing day here today.

  7. What a great firt challenge post. I was right there in your kitchen with the smell of soup

    1. Thanks for joining me, Jone. There is a funny story about the soup but that will have to wait for another slice.

  8. So many words to love in this first post, Carol. These are my favorites.
    " I see the dimming of light in the sky. Sunset approaches. Quiet time settles in. I gather ideas and continue writing. Nighttime approaches in its velvet gown." Happy March!
