Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Define Your Why Crowdsourced Poem_SOLSC 24

Surrender to the now.
Everyone is facing uncertainty.
When you know your why
you know your way. 

Our experiences inform
how we contribute.
We need each other.
The "we" supersedes the "me".

Understand the need
to move forward.
Daily reflection is important
for cleansing and growth.

Define your why.
Stay positive.
Share hope-
The only way out is through.

Call to action.
Take a deep breath.
Stop; find gratitude.
Every day is a winding road.

Be relentless.
Teach from the heart.
Designed by ©CVarsalona, 2020

After pouring over 300 tweets from the 3/23/20 #NYEDChat that I moderated with Barbara Bray, I creatively designed a crowdsourced poem-a poem created entirely from words submitted by the public on a particular topic or theme. This is done through social networks like Twitter and Facebook, and by email according to Dan SimpsonWhile this was a new endeavor for me, I enjoyed the challenge of linking lines together to make meaning. I thank the following tweeters for their thoughts: @RealSeanatello, Barbara Bray, Darren Ellwein, Robert Frost via Rita Wirtz, Don Gately, Michael Hyatt, Nicolette James, Shilpi Mahajan, Faige Meller, Roman Nowak, Karl O'Leary, Craig Shapiro, and yes, I added a line, too.  

Each year since March 2015, I have engaged in Two Writing Teacher's Annual Slice of Life Story Challenge. Slicing allows me to ponder life, literacy, and learning, capturing small moments poetically through writing, photography, and digital art. Welcome to Day 24 of 31 days of writing with Two Writing Teachers. 


  1. I LOVE this idea: a crowd-sourced poem!! I definitely want to try this, Carol. Thank you for the creative idea and I really love your collection of tweets- inspiring.

    1. Thanks, Paula, for enjoying my poem. I sent you a tweet from Dan Simpson poet who is starting a new crowdsourced poem on the topic of Apart, Together. 300 inspiring tweets passed by my moderator desk and I was thrilled with the voices that joined in. Last night's Twitter chat inspired me to create.

  2. This is beautiful! What a cool idea!

    1. Thanks, Lisa, for joining me on my first venture. Etheree next.

    2. I saw that tag, Carol. Thank you. I notebooked today creating 2 crowdsourced poems; one of hope and one of fear-since we are all feeling a mixture of both lately!

    3. Send me your link when those become your slice, Paula.

  3. I love the positiveness of this poem. It is filled with a sense of strength and not despair. One foot in front of the other keeps us moving forward, not stalling of slipping backwards.

    1. I lost your url address and so I looked through old blogs finding our exchanges. No problem-I just found it so I feel reassured that I can spell your name correctly and find you in the future. Thank you for commenting on my poem. The chat went so well that it was a pleasure to write this poem. It was just tricky to find the right quotes and place them in the right spots. We all need to move forward.

  4. Great idea for a poem. It's certainly a new road, not only winding, also inclining. Stay safe in NYC. I am saddened by the number of cases there.

    1. Yes, Margaret we need a road that leads upward. Our Gov Cuomo had a very positive message today even though we don't have enough ventilators and beds in NYC. It is frightening to hear about deaths nearby. We all need to pray daily.

  5. Love your crowdsourced poem! It's going into my notebook where I'm gathering inspiring thoughts. Just wanted to tell you that I used zoom today for Grandma Story Time. We included Teddy so the boys could see ech other. I didn't have to have Grandpa holding the phone. I could hold the book and read. And I figured it out all by myself. Lots of new tech learning going on these days!

    1. I am honored that you included my crowdsourced poem in your notebook, Ramona. I have to try Zoom for a Grandma call. My daughter talked about that yesterday. Thanks for telling me more about it.

  6. It's a wonderful idea to generate something original from a shared conversation among peers. And this poem has a calming, affirming tone that feels especially welcome at this time.

    1. Thank you for the lovely comment. We all need positivity in this time. I just took my 2nd walk of the day and felt such a sense of relief. Children smiling, laughing, parents riding bikes with their families, and lots of bird calls. It is a welcomed relief after the dreary weather we've had. Perhaps, spring will bring a new tone to our conversations. Our Gov. Cuoma provided a calm. affirming message to the people this afternoon.

  7. Cleverly compiled, Carol!

    1. Thank you, Brian. I want to try another one now so I am thinking what the topic should be.
