Friday, March 25, 2016

From Winter to Spring

Winter has been quite the fashionista this season as she garbed herself in dramatic grey and white hues. She even sported bright florals colors in locales other than Long Island. Being the diva that she is, winter took center stage on the runway many a time. She created quite a stir with her blizzard line and what did you think about her diamond-studded hailstone ensembles? Snowsun opened her show on many a day with the deep tones of black making an appearance for evening wear. Throughout the season, Mr. Moon was sporting his new glowing attire. 

Now, there is a new show in town. Spring is giddy with her bright colors. Daffodil yellow is making a comeback and green is sprouting a new shade. What's on the horizon in the world of fashion is yet to be told for each day the transitional season brings a new look to its wardrobe. Afterall, Mother Nature is directing the gala entrances and we all know how temperamental she can be.   

If you are wishing for a seasonal lift, 
pause and reflect on nature's beauty.
Its coat of many colors
is a creation in itself.


As I work on the design of my upcoming gallery, Winter Wanderings, I notice the variety of looks of winter. Stay tuned. The winter collection will be unveiled soon. In the meantime, you can see a  sneak peek of the gallery.

Poetry Friday is being hosted by Heidi Mordhorst who has a Poetry-Music Match-Up with a delightful, original bird poem and a Bob Marley song. You can access the Round-Up here.

This post marks the twenty-fifth one of my Clearing a Path series for Two Writing Teachers' March Slice of Life Challenge (Day 25).

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